MSc Contaminated Land

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MSc Contaminated Land

  • Objectives This course has been designed to provide the relevant training and knowledge required to enable students to tackle the increasingly important problem of contaminated land. The course is focused towards the continuing expansion of employment opportunities in the subject area.
  • Academic title MSc Contaminated Land
  • Course description Course contents
    This course content consists of a series of core and optional taught units covering a range of contaminated land principles, investigation and remediation techniques.

    Fundamentals of Contaminated Land
    The geological, geotechnical, geochemical, environmental and legal aspects of land contamination. Planning, implementation, analysis and interpretation of contaminated land investigations. Principles landfill planning and design, management monitoring and final remediation and reclamation.

    Geoscience Risk Analysis
    Concepts of risk, hazard and vulnerability within the geosciences, including the analysis, assessment and management of risk using deterministic and probabilistic methods. Qualitative and field based approaches to risk and hazard assessment.

    Ground Investigation and Assessment
    Basic principles of an integrated ground investigation including various invasive investigative techniques and associated in-situ testing methods and concepts of geophysical investigative techniques and their relevance to ground investigation. Methods of processing, analysis and reporting of the results of a ground investigation.

    Geomaterials for Engineering Construction
    Important sources of geological and man-made geomaterials for engineering construction and their uses within engineering geology. The engineering properties and uses of both natural and synthetic industrial geomaterials and geotextiles.

    Remote Sensing and GIS
    The use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing techniques and their application in the geosciences.

    Principles of Soil Behaviour
    The basic concepts of soil behaviour and classification and the principles of soil in shear behaviour and concepts of water flow through soil.

    Environmental Auditing and Assessment
    Environmental policies, strategies and their implementation and the procedures involved in environmental auditing and risk assessment.

    Chemistry of Pollution and Contamination
    The natural location and ranges of concentrations of common potential pollutants, legal and actual levels of pollution. Environmental controls on aqueous pollutants, which modify their mobility and toxicity in differing circumstances. The background philosophy, legal framework and commercial implications of both environmental audits and environmental assessments.

    Waste Disposal and Remediation
    The relationship between geological and industrial activities and their contaminating effects. Geological and other scientific methods of investigation and methods of reducing or remediating environmental damage. Includes examples of specific geo-environmental problems and their remediation.

    Groundwater Management and Protection
    Concepts of groundwater quantity, quality and management issues within the context of both local, regional and globally diminishing resources, increasing demands, increasing contamination, and ever stricter legal standards and controls.

    Topics in Applied Geosciences
    Case histories of recent assessments of environmental hazards. Field assessment and description of rock and soil material.

    Dissertation Thesis
    The dissertation project provides an opportunity to undertake an original piece of independent research on a topic that reflects a student’s individual interests in environmental geology or contaminated land investigation and remediation

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