MSc Ageing and Diversity (E-Learning)

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MSc Ageing and Diversity (E-Learning)

  • Entry requirements Entry requirements: Students will be expected to have a degree (Bachelors/Honours) or equivalent. Other qualifications, together with work experience, may also be acceptable.An online chat room interview (synchronous) with the student will be conducted, conditional to being accepted on the programme.
  • Academic title MSc Ageing and Diversity
  • Course description This course was designed for special educational needs coordinators (SENCOs) and other experienced teachers responsible for ensuring the inclusion of children with special educational needs and vulnerable children.

    It has been specifically devised to meet the Teacher Training Agency SENCO competency requirements. At present it is a parttime study opportunity for the professional development of local teachers, with funding support for fees from the Hull Local Education Authority.

    It enables course members to complete a one-year Advanced Certificate in Inclusive Education, a twoyear Advanced Diploma in Inclusive Education, or to proceed with a dissertation for an MEd Inclusive Education.


    This is a generic course, focussing on the attitudes and strategies relevant to inclusive education, rather than categories of special education needs.

    In the first (Certificate) year, emphasis is on an overview of the culture of inclusion, and pedagogical (teaching and learning) approaches appropriate for enhancing inclusion.

    The other two modules cover strategies for ensuring access to the curriculum for all children, and key assessment and intervention approaches.

    In the second (Diploma) year, the first management module focuses on managing change as an inclusion manager.The other modules look at managing the social, behavioural and emotional needs of the learner, and topics of specific concern to course members.

    Throughout the programme there is a strong focus on self-reflection and collaborative learning, as well as the development of strong skills for researchinformed decision making.


    -An Overview of Inclusion in Schools
    -Providing Inclusion in the Curriculum
    -Assessment and Intervention Strategies for Inclusion
    -Management for Inclusion
    -Including Children with Behaviour, Emotional and Social Difficulties
    -Key Inclusion Topics Relating to Individual Professional Development.

    As this is a professional development programme planned to ensure SENCO competency requirements can be met, all modules must be passed

    End-of-module assignment of 4,000–5,000 words.

    This programme has been planned, and is delivered, in partnership with the Kingston-upon-Hull Children and Young Peoples’ Services.

    This partnership, which was commended by an OFSTED inspection of the programme, allows the course to be extremely current in its awareness of local and national policy concerns and requirements.

    At his first Programme Board meeting, the External Examiner noted the particularly high standard of achievement by the students on this programme.

    The Programme Director, Dr Dorothy Howie, is an international expert on teaching and learning issues in relation to inclusion, and on learning enhancement.

    A key tutor, Dr. Dez Allenby, is Head of the Hull Special Educational Needs Support Service. The remaining tutor, Sue Young, is an expert on solution-focused therapy.
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