MSc Advanced Web Application Programming

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MSc Advanced Web Application Programming

  • Objectives MSc Advanced Web Application Programming is a programme of study designed for graduates in computer science or closely related disciplines. Its main teaching aims are: 1) to prepare students for careers in modern enterprise computing by equipping them with knowledge and skills in web application programming 2) to enable students to design and implement solutions by providing them with practical experience of a wide range of industry standard leading-edge development tools 3) to enable students to adapt to future developments in web based computing by providing them with a solid grounding in its underlying concepts and principles 4) to enable students to develop particular expertise in a chosen related area of computing 5) to develop the students' ability to undertake research by providing appropriate resources and guidance in their use 6) to develop the students' ability to make an effective contribution to team-based activity 7) to encourage students to adopt an investigative approach and develop autonomous study skills in order to assist their continuing professional development.
  • Entry requirements Entry Qualifications 1st or Upper 2nd class degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science or a related subject. Account is taken of relevant experience.
  • Academic title MSc Advanced Web Application Programming
  • Course description
    Course Description
    The MSc in Advanced Web Application Programming includes all the maim technologies for creating web applications, includes all the main technologies for creating web applications, including advanced object oriented programming, object databases, XML, Web Services, .NET, JSP, and Ruby on Rails.

    Modules and Options

    The lists of modules below represent the range of options available for each year of study. This may not be a complete list of the options you will study, and may be subject to change, so please contact the department for further details.

    Stage 1

        Compulsory: E-COMMERCE PROGRAMMING
        Core: GROUP PROJECT

    Teaching and Assessment Methods
    A: Knowledge and Understanding
        Learning Outcomes
        A1 : Theory : current concepts, principles and theories relevant to the area of web application programming.
        A2 : Techniques : methods, tools and enabling technologies used in, or arising from, web application programming.
        A3 : Applications : established and potential applications of techniques developed within web application programming.
        A4 : Professional Issues : legal and ethical issues relating to the present and future use of technology developed within web application programming.

        Teaching Methods
        Lectures are the principal method of delivery for the concepts and principles involved in A1 - A4
        Students are also directed to reading from textbooks, academic papers and on-line material.
        Understanding is reinforced by means of exercise classes, discussion groups, laboratories and assignments.
        Knowledge of a particular topic, chosen by the student from within his/her areas of specialisation, is gained in CE902 through a staff led literature search which forms the basis for weekly group discussions.
        Individual supervision of the summer project and dissertation provides further support for the development of those areas of knowledge relevant to the student's chosen topic.

        Assessment Methods
        Achievement of knowledge outcomes is assessed primarily through unseen closed-book examinations and marked coursework.
        Understanding of professional issues (A4) is assessed by MCT during the course of the term.
        The assessment of the CE902 essay includes specific allocation of marks for the breadth and depth of the knowledge gained during the study of the chosen topic.
        An assessment of the understanding of principles and implementation techniques forms part of the overall assessment of the summer project and dissertation.

    B: Intellectual/Cognitive Skills
        Learning Outcomes
        B1 : Analyse a given enterprise scenario and identify how modern web-based information systems can improve its efficiency
        B2 : Evaluate the relative strengths of the languages, components, methods and tools used in the creation of web based systems.
        B3 : Interpret the contents of research articles and identify those results and findings that are significant.
        B4 : Construct informed, succinct and reasoned descriptions of, and proposals for, web based systems.

        Teaching Methods
        The basis for intellectual skills is provided in lectures, and they are developed by means of recommended reading, guided and self directed study, assignments and project work.

        B1 is a key element of most assignments and central to the group project.

        B2 is developed through exercises and exposure to a range of systems software.

        In CE902, the acquisition of B3 and B4 is supported by lectures about research methodology and report writing, and further developed during tutor led group discussions.

        Individual supervision of the summer project and dissertation provides further support for the development of skills
        B1 - B4.

        Assessment Methods
        Achievement of intellectual skills B1 and B2 is assessed primarily through unseen closed-book examinations, marked assignments and project work.

        The assessments of CE902 coursework and the CE901 dissertation include specific allocation of marks for use of original sources (B3), clarity of description and originality (B4).

    C: Practical Skills
        Learning Outcomes
        C1 : Make effective use of a range of theories, techniques, programming languages, operating systems, design support tools and development environments
        C2 : Specify, design, implement, test and document a web based system.
        C3 : Work as a member of a development team, contributing to the planning and construction of a web based system.
        C4 : Propose, plan, undertake and report a self-directed individual programme of investigation, design and implementation

        Teaching Methods
        Practical skills are developed in exercise classes, laboratory classes, assignments and project work.

        C1 is developed through exercises and exposure to a range of systems software.

        Various aspects of C2 are acquired in design, programming and other assignments, and further developed in group and individual project work.

        C3 is developed in the group project, CC403.

        C4 is developed during the supervision of the summer project and dissertation

        Assessment Methods
        Achievement of practical skills is assessed through marked coursework, project reports, oral presentations and demonstrations of completed systems.

        An assessment of the extent to which students have demonstrated practical research skills (C4) forms part of the overall assessment of CE902, and the summer project and dissertation, CE901.

    D: Key Skills
        Learning Outcomes
        D1 : Communicate effectively in written reports and oral presentations using appropriate terminology and technical language
        D2 : Retrieve information using search engines, browsers and catalogues; use appropriate IT facilities to prepare and present technical reports in various formats (documents, oral presentations)
        D3 : Use mathematical techniques in the processes of analysis and design
        D4 : Analyse complex problems and design effective solutions
        D5 : Plan and manage team projects using available support tools; work effectively as part of a team
        D6 : Organise activity and manage time in a programme of self-directed study

        Teaching Methods
        The development of key skills forms an integral part of the students' overall learning activity. In particular

        D1 and D2 are developed in group and individual project work.

        D2 is developed through the use of the internet as a major information source, and practice in the use of tools such as Word and PowerPoint.

        D3 and D4 are developed in exercises and assignments.

        D5 and D6 are developed in the group project.

        D6 is further developed in CE901, the summer project and dissertation.

        Assessment Methods
        Assessment of the key skills D3 and D4 is intrinsic to subject based assessment.

        The assessment of project work includes specific allocations of credit for project management (D5, D6) and the quality of presentations (D1 and D2).

        An individual's contribution to the group project (D5) is in part determined by means of a submission containing reflective and self-assessment components.

        The assessments of the CE902 coursework and the CE901 dissertation include specific allocation of credit for the quality, extent and relevance of a bibliography, including internet sources (D2).

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