MRes Intergrative Biomedicine

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MRes Intergrative Biomedicine

  • Objectives The programme provides students with an advanced knowledge and the skills required to undertake a doctoral degree or pursue a career in biomedical academic or industrial research. The programme, managed by the Cardiovascular Division, includes the Cardiovascular, Immunology, Infection & Inflammatory Disease (Transplantation), Neuroscience (Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Disease), Reproduction & Endocrinology and Pharmaceutical Sciences divisions in the Schools of Biomedical & Health Sciences and Medicine.
  • Entry requirements People with a minimum 2.1 first degree in pharmacology, physiology or related science. Evidence of practical project experience.
  • Academic title MRes Intergrative Biomedicine
  • Course description Programme description
    This programme will give you an understanding of the fundamentals of integrative biomedicine research, and of
    specialised research skills associated with in vivo procedures, involving models and translational research, relevant to the discovery of new drug treatments. It consists of five taught modules that are composed of three mini-projects (each carried out in a different laboratory), a specialist workshop module and a generic training module.

    Programme format and assessment
    Laboratory-based research mini-projects; small group teaching via specialist workshops. Assessment: 100 per cent coursework (approximately 70 per cent mini-projects).

    Programme modules for MRes Intergrative Biomedicine
    Experimental Skills in Integrative Biomedicine (Core Module)

    This 15 credit module aims to provide students with specialist knowledge of, and training in, experimental techniques of relevance to integrative research. The module also provides an opportunity for students to network with colleagues and learn of activities across a wider population of integrative laboratories. At the end of this module, the student will have acquired specialist training in contemporary techniques used in integrative biomedicine. The participating Research Divisions each contribute topics and techniques. Currently, the topics and techniques covered include the following (these are subject to annual review, to ensure that contemporary learning outcomes are covered): Cardiovascular Division (e.g. Advanced cardiovascular research techniques); Neuroscience (e.g. Neuroprotection in Parkinson's disease or Impact of enteric dysfunction upon spinal cord mechanisms in diabetic neuropathy); Reproduction and Endocrinology Division (e.g. Animals models of diabetes mellitus or the use of telemetry in research); Pharmaceutical Sciences Division (e.g. experimental brain perfusion or the nature of bronchial hyperresponsiveness); Immunology, Infection and Inflammatory Disease (microsurgery and organ transplantation); A communications workshop designed to enable the public communication of science, incorporating the use of animals in medical research. Assessment is by coursework.

    Integrative Biomedicine Laboratory Rotation 1, 2 & 3 (Core Module)
    The main aim of the each of these 45 credit modules is to ensure that students will acquire detailed understanding of, and expertise in, of a range of experimental techniques related to integrative biomedicine research in different laboratory environments. At the end of these three modules students will have acquired the necessary experimental skills to design and conduct an independent research project under appropriate supervision; Be able to critically appraise the current literature relating to the research topic under investigation; Have applied a specialist knowledge of the subject to the research problem being investigated; Have applied statistical and graphical packages to analyse and present their experimental data; Be able to write up a concise report of the module in the form of a scientific paper and be able to communicate these findings verbally and visually (using PowerPoint slides or equivalent) to a wider audience. Assessment is by dissertation, oral exam and supervisor report.

    Integrative Biomedicine Literature Review (Core Module)
    This 30 credit module aims to enable students to conduct a thorough review of the literature and prepare a detailed overview of the background for a specified subject relevant to the programme. At the end of this module the student will have a knowledge of the main sources of scientific information related to biomedicine in general and integrative biomedicine research in particular, be able to retrieve this information effectively using advanced search techniques relevant to research, be able to synthesise and critically appraise the scientific literature relevant to a subject related to cardiovascular research and cmmunicate these findings effectively through written work and oral discussion. Assessment is by literature review and oral examination.
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