MRes Gender Studies

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MRes Gender Studies

  • Objectives This is an innovative qualification which allows you to develop generic research knowledge and skills whilst pursuing a subject-based research project. It differs from other taught Masters degrees such as MA, MSc and the LLM. It is a qualification in its own right as well as preparation for higher-level research by MPhil or PhD. It provides you with a broad appreciation of research methods and methodology including an understanding of the uses and limitations of quantitative and qualitative research methods. It also offers specific knowledge of current debates and research in a specific discipline or subject area.
  • Entry requirements For those wishing to develop academic research skills; already working as a researcher or wishing to do so; commission research or hoping to progress to an MPhil or PhD, the MRes will be of interest.
  • Academic title MRes Gender Studies
  • Course description Course Structure
    The MRes involves both taught and research components. You take four modules combining research methodology with your subject specialism. Your dissertation research helps you develop skills through group sessions, from formulating research proposals to communicating research outcomes to professional audiences. You work on a flexible basis with a specialist supervisor, from planning your research to completion of the dissertation. The course includes core and optional modules and a dissertation. You attend Frameworks for Research which introduces you to different research approaches across a range of disciplines. You then select approved relevant modules, some of which address research in each discipline. Part-time students have access to the same modules and skills training, but can take modules in a flexible way and not begin the dissertation until the second year. Your dissertation is about 20,000 words.

    Assessment methods depend on the named award that you choose. They may include research proposals, essays, reflective logs, independent research involving a literature review, presentations and dissertation.

    Career opportunities
    The MRes prepares you for higher level research and is of interest to those who want to develop academic research skills; to work as a researcher; to commission research or progress to PhD. The MRes also enables you to show your research skills and capacity within professional or specialist employment.

    Attendance & duration
    Full-time: normally 1 year, usually 2 days/evenings a week
    Part-time: normally 2 years, usually 1-2 days/evenings a week

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