MLitt Scottish Gaelic Literature & Language (Litreachas is Cˆnan nan Gˆidheal)

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MLitt Scottish Gaelic Literature & Language (Litreachas is Cˆnan nan Gˆidheal)

  • Academic title MLitt Scottish Gaelic Literature & Language (Litreachas is Cˆnan nan Gˆidheal)
  • Course description MLitt: 12 months full-time; 24 months part-time
    PgDip: 9 months full-time; 18 months part-time

    This is a unique Gaelic-medium based programme designed to impart training in primary research through a core course on literary and linguistic issues and a broad menu of specialist courses. You are supervised by practising researchers in the field while also honing your Gaelic language skills.


    Core courses

        * Issues in literature and language
        * Critical approaches to literature and language
        * Advanced language skills.

    In addition, you will take two specialist options which are individually tailored courses enabling you to study with a practising researcher in your chosen topic.

    Possible areas of research include:

        * Gaelic place-names
        * Gaelic linguistics
        * 19th-century Highlands
        * 20th-century Gaelic poetry.

    All students taking the MLitt complete a dissertation in Gaelic on a research topic under the supervision of a member of staff with an interest in your chosen field.
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