Course descriptionMaster's Degree in Latin American Studies
The Master's Degree program in Latin American Studies searches to:
- Contribute to the development of the multidisciplinary knowledge on the conflicts of Latin America.
- Build graduates with the highest level academically, with the ability to respond to the regional problems from ambitions like education in universities and professional practice in public and private sectors.
- Promote the student's interest to research by giving them the basic tools to take charge and participate in investigative tasks about the region.
- To build analysts with critical knowledge in front of the used subject so they can interpret the Latin American reality and are able to propose new visions of interpretations.
Granted Degree: Master's Degree in Latin American Studies
The Master's Degree in Latin American Studies is dedicated to professionals in different areas interested in the foundation of Latin American and in particular countries, especially in the policy areas and international relations, and for those who wish to contribute with the production of alternatives for the solution and analysis of regional problems.
Common Body
Total Credits: 27
Political Science
Teoría del Estado y Estado en América latina (3)
Política comparada (3)
International Relations
Procesos sociopolíticos en América Latina (3)
América Latina en el Nuevo Orden Mundial (3)
Element of an Investigation
Seminario de investigación (3)
Tutoría de tesis I (4)
Tutoría de tesis II (8)
Conclusive Body
Total Credits: 15 (9 in the same area)
Rural Development
Problemas rurales colombianos (3)
Teorías del desarrollo (3)
Sociedades y economías campesinas (3)
Género y desarrollo (2)
Movimientos rurales en América latina (2)
International Relations
Teorías de las relaciones internacionales I (3)
Teorías de la relaciones internacionales II (2)
Sistema interamericano (2)
Políticas exteriores comparadas (2)
Política exterior norteamericana (2)
Seminario I: Literaturas Transatlánticas (5)
Seminario IV: Poesía del Caribe Hispánico (5)
Cátedra: novela colombiana y latinoamericana (3)
Cátedra Manuel Puig (3)
Literatura y género (3)
Literatura y Sociocrítica (3)
Seminario Teórico en Historia I (modernidad y postmodernidad)(3)
Seminario Historiográfico I (corrientes historiográficas) (3)
Seminario Historiográfico II (historiografía colonial América Latina) (3)
Seminario Historiográfico II (historiografía siglo XX América Latina) (3)
Electivas (2)