Master Prosthetic Dentistry

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Master Prosthetic Dentistry

  • Objectives To provide understanding of the basic principles of the discipline and their use in developing treatment planning, clinical practice and team working with the dental technologist. To develop a critical appreciation of the relevant literature and give an introduction to research methodology.
  • Entry requirements qualified dentists with broadly based clinical skills and an interest in removable prosthodontics wishing to improve their understanding of the subject and the outcome of treatments they provide.
  • Academic title MSc Prosthetic Dentistry
  • Course description Programme description

    - One of the few programmes in the UK that is devoted to removable prosthodontics.
    - Well integrated with other Restorative Dentistry masters programmes
    - Winners of the Schotlander BSSPD prize 2007 and the poster prize 2004

    Deals principally with complete and removable dentures but also includes the role of prostheses such as obturators and other removable devices. It covers relevant dental technology and includes core lectures on statistics and scientific method. Attendance of the postgraduate core module in implantology with some limited implant clinical practice. The department plays a very active role in the British Society for the Study of Prosthetic Dentistry (BSSPD) and past students as well as staff have been regular winners of the Society’s prestigious prizes.

    Programme format and assessment
    Modular programme consisting of 180 credits, as follows:

    1) Two taught modules, covering the scientific and clinical basis of prosthetic dentistry assessed by written examination;
    2) One clinical module, involving supervised clinical practice and examined by a mixture of case studies on treated and unseen patients, practical, or oral examinations; 3) One research module, involving the submission of a research project report including a literature review, with an oral defence of the research. The clinical sessions are based on attendance on Wednesday and Thursday with core module teaching on Friday mornings.

    Programme modules for MSc Prosthetic Dentistry
    Clinical Prosthetic Dentistry (Core Module)
    This 30 credit module aims to produce a highly knowledgeable professional in Prosthetic Dentistry at masters level. At the end of the module you will be able to demonstrate an advanced knowledge and understanding of the following areas which are relevant to the study of Prosthetic Dentistry: Biomedical sciences; Applied Radiological science; Applied Materials science; Neuroscience; Pathology; Statistics; Scientific basis of removable prosthodontics; Patient management; Applied Human disease; Restorative treatment planning; Research methodology; Professional responsibility. You will also be able to form concepts of oral health, devise and support arguments for oral health, reflect critically on your own academic work and reflect critically on your own approach to clinical work. Assessment is by written examination.

    Prosthetic Dentistry Clinical (Core Module)
    This 60 credit module aims to produce a dentist proficient and skilful in Prosthetic Dentistry. At the end of the module you will be able to undertake the following tasks relevant to the practice of Prosthetic Dentistry: Undertake diagnosis and treatment planning; Take appropriate responsibility; Solve complex clinical problems; Perform clinical procedures; Manage effectively patients, resources and time; Communicate effectively with patients, colleagues and dental technicians; Develop appropriate computer skills; Perform good clinical governance; Ability to reflect critically on your own clinical work. Assessment is by case presentations, clinical examination, practical examination and oral examination.

    Prosthetic Dentistry Research (Core Module)
    This 60 credit module provides students with a scientifically rigorous research experience through undertaking a piece of research work and writing a report of the findings including a relevant literature review and appropriate statistical analysis.At the end of the module you will be able to: Analyse both scientific and clinical data; Critically review the relevant scientific literature; Plan a research project; Understand how to apply statistical analyses; Carry out a research project; Understand the effect of experimental variables; Use information and communications technology; Devise and support arguments for oral health; Present your work both orally and in writing. Assessment is by dissertation and oral examination.

    Science of Prosthetic Dentistry (Core Module)
    This 30 credit module aims to produce a highly knowledgeable professional in Prosthetic Dentistry at masters level. At the end of the module you will be able to demonstrate advanced knowledge and deep understanding of the following areas which are relevant to the study of Prosthetic Dentistry: Biomedical sciences; Radiological science; Neuroscience; Pathology; Statistics; Scientific basis of removable prosthodontics; Human disease; Research methodology. You will also be able to form concepts of oral health, devise and support arguments for oral health, reflect critically on your own academic work. Assessment is by written examination.

    One year five days per week, or two years three days per week, October to September
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