Master Nuclear Medicine: Science & Practice

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Master Nuclear Medicine: Science & Practice

  • Objectives This programme develops skills for provision of safe, high-quality nuclear medicine services by offering nuclear medicine training with a strong scientific and academic framework in an approved structured service environment.
  • Entry requirements MSc: for doctors only. PG Dip and PG Cert: Suitable for doctors, scientists, technologists, radiographers or nurses
  • Academic title MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert Nuclear Medicine: Science & Practice
  • Course description Programme description

    - conveniently based in central London, course is unique in the UK.
    - contact with teachers who are experts in their field and based throughout the UK.
    - close links with all London medical schools and students are encouraged to visit nuclear medicine departments at other sites.

    This programme, taught collaboratively by five University of London medical schools, draws on professional expertise from many disciplines. Lectures cover clinical practice, radiopharmaceutical, scientific and regulatory issues in nuclear medicine, and also diagnostic nuclear oncology and radionuclide therapy. Practical studies include clinical observations, audit, physics and radiopharmacy experiments and original research.

    Programme format and assessment
    Assessment for the MSc: Four unseen written examinations and nine in-course essays for taught modules; logbook containing clinical studies, audit and experiments and an unseen clinical exam for Practical module; 10,000 word written report on research project and short oral examination for Research module. PG Dip: three unseen written examinations and seven in-course essays; Practical or Research module: as for MSc. PG Cert: three unseen written examinations and seven in-course essays.

    Programme modules for MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert Nuclear Medicine: Science & Practice 

    Clinical Practice of Nuclear Medicine
    (Core Module)
    This course provides a comprehensive systemic training in non-imaging and imaging diagnostic nuclear medicine. Students will develop an understanding of the theory of diagnostic studies through a programme of lectures and self-directed learning.

    Practical Nuclear Medicine (Core Module)
    This course provides practical training in nuclear medicine through attachments in approved (regulated and monitored) service departments. Students will develop an understanding of the practical aspects of clinical nuclear medicine and its scientific base. This will include patient preparation, study acquisition and processing and practical issues associated with therapy through a programme of supervised practice and exercises.

    Radiopharmaceutical & Regulatory Issues in Nuclear Medicine (Core Module)
    This course will describe the scientific basis of radiopharmacy and its application to nuclear medicine functions in the UK. Health and safety legislation and the regulatory bodies concerned with radioactive materials will also be covered.On completion of the course, students will have an understanding of the principles of radiopharmaceutical design, an appreciation of the practical aspects of radiopharmacy operation and a knowledge of regulatory control in nuclear medicine. Assessment is by written examination and coursework.

    Scientific Basis of Nuclear Medicine
    (Core Module)
    This course will describe the scientific basis of nuclear medicine and its practical application to nuclear medicine. It will also cover the equipment used, statistical methods and the role of computing in the acquisition, processing, display and communication of nuclear medicine studies. On completion of the course, students will have a strong scientific base for the understanding of the practical aspects of nuclear medicine. Assessment is by written examination and coursework.

    Diagnostic Nuclear Oncology and Radionuclide Therapy
    This course provides students with an understanding of the basic principles of radionuclide therapy, radiation protection and radiation biology. The course will include training in the protection requirements of clinical practice in thyroid cancer, neuro-endocrine tumours, bone metastases, benign joint disease, radio-immuno and radio-peptide therapy through a programme of lectures, tutorials and demonstrations. The students will acquire the knowledge necessary to undertake radionuclide therapy in a safe and appropriate manner.

    Nuclear Medicine Research
    This course provides students with a scientifically rigorous research experience through undertaking a piece of research work and writing a report of the findings including a relevant literature review and appropriate statistical analysis.

    MSc and PG Dip:one year FT, two years PT, October to September; PG Cert: six months FT, 18 months PT.
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