Master Nanotechnology Engineering

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Master Nanotechnology Engineering

  • Objectives To provide students with a concise overview and knowledge of the fundamentals and all modern aspects of micro- and nano-technology specifically from an engineer's point-of-view.
  • Academic title MSc Nanotechnology Engineering
  • Course description Programme description

    - Nanotechnology specifically from an applied, engineering perspective.
    - Main focus on nanofabrication and nanomaterials.
    - Additional specialisation in micro/nanorobotics and computer-aided engineering.

    Nanotechnology is widely considered a major technology for the 21st century offering great research and commercial opportunities at the interface of engineering, physics and life sciences. The basis of the programme is two compulsory modules dealing with all modern aspects of nanotechnology (one module as general introduction in the first semester, one module covering specific topics in the second semester). Three compulsory modules (Dynamical Systems, Project Management, Advanced Numerical Methods for Engineers) provide generic engineering knowledge applicable not only in nanotechnology but also in other areas of engineering.

    You then choose groups of modules from either Mechatronics or Computer-Aided Mechanical Engineering programmes which provide some specialisation in other research areas of the department. Your individual research project will be carried out in the last semester and consists of full-time, experimental or computational work in one of the research areas of the department.

    Programme format and assessment
    Teaching methods: Lectures, tutorials, seminars. Assessment: coursework, written examinations, final project report. More information about our modules can be found online.

    One year FT, two years PT. September to September.
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