Master Multi-scale Fluid Process Engineering (Macro to Nano)

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Master Multi-scale Fluid Process Engineering (Macro to Nano)

  • Objectives To provide students with in-depth knowledge of the fundamental and practical aspects of flow and transfer processes, with particular emphasis on the effect of different scales, their interaction and their effect in the determination of the behaviour of multiscale systems.
  • Entry requirements people with second class honours degree in Mechanical or Chemical Engineering or other relevant subject. We also welcome overseas, professional or occupational qualifications and assess them on an individual basis.
  • Academic title MSc Multi-scale Fluid Process Engineering (Macro to Nano)
  • Course description Programme description

    - Unique multi- and cross-disciplinary programme including topics in chemical reactor and biofluid processes.
    - Multi-scale fluids engineering (particularly related to micro and nano scales) is of increasing interest in research and industry and is likely to play a significant role in the design of new mechanical/electronic devices.
    - Extensive state-of-the-art facilities and multidisciplinary expertise of teaching staff.

    For engineering students with mechanical, chemical or process engineering backgrounds to address industrial needs for improved process design, via enhanced understanding and control of the small scale phenomena. The range of scales to be addressed via taught courses and project work will range from coarse-grain molecular modelling, nano particles, up to the larger scales normally addressed in most engineering courses. Biofluid processes will be covered in taught modules and project work and will draw on the related expertise of engineering staff and the considerable know-how and facilities available across the College.

    Students will benefit from the extensive state-of-the-art facilities available that range from atomic force microscopy, optical shearing microscopy, rheology and interfacial tensiometry laboratory and pilot-size stirred reactors, laser-induced fluorescence and particle-image and laser-velocimetry to parallel computing facilities and the new School server farm. The staff expertise and the services available provide a unique combination of resources. This has been to date primarily used for research and its relevance and timeliness have been underpinned by Research Council funding and industrial demand for contract and consulting work.

    Programme format and assessment

    Teaching methods: lectures, tutorials, seminars. Assessment: coursework, written examinations, final project report. More information about our modules can be found online.
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