Master Management Studies

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Master Management Studies

  • Objectives This MA is a DMS top-up, based on an action-research dissertation. The aim is to convert research knowledge into real management action. At the end, you will have become more proactive as a manager and have an impressive finished management project to your credit. The teaching styles and assessment methods require you to engage as an active participant in improving and developing your distinctive management skills, knowledge and behaviour. Learning is experiential. Part of your dissertation is self-reflection on your own management style. Our course offers: -Help in developing your ability to research management problems and opportunities -Weekly coaching to help you achieve your potential as a proactive manager -Help in writing a valuable dissertation.
  • Entry requirements There are two options: (1) This is a DMS top-up, so you must have recently gained the Diploma in Management Studies. If you do not have the Diploma in Management Studies please follow this link, Diploma in Management Studies Alternatively, (2) the MA is also suitable as the final dissertation of an MBA or MA in management, if you have completed all the non-dissertation modules. For this option, you must be completing one of these degrees at LondonMet. You must be in work or you must have access to an organisation so that you can implement a real project of improving the organisation. If your work is not suitable, you may use a non-work organisation, e.g. religious, leisure, charity, sporting, or similar. You must be able to set up some research into a problem and then implement a pilot project to solve the problem.
  • Academic title MA Management Studies
  • Course description Course structure

    The course consists of one project, an action-learning dissertation. You have to find a management problem; you research the problem; develop a plan to solve the problem; implement a 3-4 month pilot project (the "action") which is the first step to solving the problem; evaluate the success of the pilot; describe research and action in an 18,000 word dissertation.

    The MA lasts either from October to May, within one academic year. Alternatively, there is a February start, with dissertation hand-in, in September.

    Key dates for October start:

    -From August through September, before starting the course, you should create support from top management for your action project. The Course Leader will advise you
    -October study weekend to finalise project
    -From October through January, you research your problem and make a presentation of your results in January. Weekly tutorials offer research input
    -From February through April, you run your pilot project. Weekly tutorials offer management coaching
    -in May you evaluate the pilot and finalise your writing-up. You will hand in your dissertation mid-May

    Key dates for February start:

    -From December through January, before starting the course, you should create support from top management for your action project. The Course Leader will advise you
    -The last weekend in February is the study weekend to finalise your project
    -From March through May you will research your problem and make a presentation of your results in May. Weekly tutorials offer research input
    -From June through August you will run your pilot project. Weekly tutorials offer management coaching
    -In August you will evaluate the pilot and you will finalise your writing-up

    You will hand in your dissertation on the first Friday in September

    There is one module: the dissertation.

    Thursday evenings during term, plus one study weekend in October 2007 or February 2008. Weekly attendance continues during the summer if you joined for the February start.

    There are three assignments.

    These are the dates for the October start:
    (1) "Presentation Evening" is a presentation of research results and of plans for action at the course midpoint (the last Thursday in January)
    (2) "Group Exercise": in groups of three, you write a critique of a colleague's work and also receive a critique of your own. Due the first Thursday in February
    (3) "Dissertation" is due the second Friday in May

    These are the dates for the February start:
    (1) "Presentation Evening" is a presentation of research results and of plans for action at the course midpoint (the last Thursday in May)
    (2) "Group Exercise": in groups of three, you write a critique of a colleague's work and also receive a critique of your own. Due the first Thursday in June
    (3) "Dissertation" is due the first Friday in September

    Action research projects
    You do four months research, and you have four months taking action as a manager. Some recent projects have been:

    -identifying talent in a business associated with the Lloyds market
    -developing an apprenticeship scheme in a leading IT services company
    -starting a property developing SME
    -team leadership in kitchens of an Oxford Street department store
    -motivating volunteers in an Islamic mosque
    -lean management in tube train maintenance
    -IT project implementation in a London borough
    -e-commerce in a university

    Career opportunities
    The MA combines the best of management education with the best of coaching to improve your abilities to create action within an organisation.

    Past students have used the MA as stimulus for speeding up the implementation of their plans. The MA has been a critical success factor in achieving goals which had previously been unfulfilled.

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