Master Jewish Education

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Master Jewish Education

  • Objectives The MA in Jewish Education provides experienced educationalists from within and outside the Jewish community with the opportunity to significantly extend their professional knowledge, understanding and expertise through sustained academic study that combines practical application and academic rigour. This award offers a unique opportunity within the UK for the study of Jewish Education to Masters level. The overarching aim of this course is to empower you through exposure to a wide range of theoretical works and research. Local, national and international research will be subjected to rigorous exploration and analysis, consistently linking to practice within your professional context. You will be expected to undertake empirical work, initially on a small scale via one of the modules. This will be further developed at the dissertation phase, where you will have the opportunity to undertake a more extended piece of empirical work. The Leo Baeck College, which provides educational services for the Reform Synagogue of Great Britain and the Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues, delivers the course, in partnership with colleagues from the Department of Education.
  • Entry requirements First degree or equivalent. Completion of the Advanced Diploma in Jewish Education will also be applicable in some instances.
  • Academic title MA Jewish Education
  • Course description Course structure
    The course is designed as a developmental process and you will usually work with others as a part of a coherent group. A sequential structure of six taught modules has been designed.

    The six modules are:

    -Philosophy of Jewish Education
    -Jewish Education: from Theory to Practice
    -Jewish Studies: Choice modules
    -Foundations of Learning
    -Elective from MA Education
    -Research Methods and Methodologies

    Each module relates to and builds upon previous modules in order to broaden, deepen and enhance your understanding and knowledge. For the award of Masters you will also complete a triple-module dissertation.

    Classes will take place on Wednesday afternoon at the Leo Baeck College and in the evening (for Foundation of Learning and one choice module) at the University. The course is offered in part-time mode only.

    You are assessed using a range of methods including essays and small-scale research projects. Each assessment relates to your professional life.

    Career opportunities
    This unique award will be of benefit to experienced educationalists who wish to learn more about Jewish education.

    Attendance & duration
    Part-time (eve & day): usually three years, one afternoon and one evening a week
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