Master Information and Knowledge Management

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Master Information and Knowledge Management

  • Objectives Knowledge management is a key management discipline that focuses on the effective gathering, organisation, storage, dissemination and flow of information and knowledge within organisations. We aim to provide you with the skills to effectively deploy knowledge management techniques to enable the successful leveraging of the value of information and knowledge assets within an organisational context. The course attracts information and knowledge professionals working within sectors as diverse as financial services, legal, executive search and recruitment, oil and gas exploration, pharmaceutical and biotech, health, education, the defence sector and also from the public and voluntary sectors. All modules are focused on developing applied skills while providing a sound understanding of the underlying theoretical base. There is a focus on group work during teaching sessions. You can undertake information auditing and knowledge mapping exercises and carry out evaluations of KM processes with fellow students through an analysis of case studies. You may also consider the risks of non-conformance to legal requirements such as Data Protection and Freedom of Information. This course is accredited by the professional body, the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP).
  • Entry requirements You should have at least a 2:2 degree or equivalent. Applicants with substantial career experience may be considered without a first degree. The course is intended for those who already have, or anticipate, some organisational responsibility for the areas being studied.
  • Academic title MSc Information and Knowledge Management
  • Course description Course structure

    The course consists of six taught modules, plus a double-module research project. All modules are compulsory. The course is taught through modular teaching sessions and distance supported learning. Outside study periods, you are supported via email and WebCT, and therefore access to the Internet and email is essential.

    Examples include:

    -The effective management of information and knowledge assets in alignment with the strategic goals of the organisation
    -Understanding the different strategies that may be employed in managing information (tangible) versus managing knowledge (tacit)
    -Critical success factors in creating learning organisations situated within an awareness of the cultural norms that may regard knowledge as a power resource
    -Examining legal aspects and understanding information technology solutions in the effective sharing of organisational knowledge
    -Classification schemes and taxonomies for knowledge and information sharing, incorporating studies of information architecture
    -A range of research and evaluation techniques is also introduced, and these are applied in the research project. In the project module, you will complete an information and knowledge management focused project, comprising a presentation and a project document/ dissertation of 10,000-12,000 words. 

    There is no examination. A range of coursework is used to assess each module, including reports, presentations and audits. Where possible, this draws from your own organisation or past work experience.

    Career opportunities
    A recent report issued by the Economist Intelligence Unit entitled "Foresight 2020: Economic, industry and corporate trends" identified effective KM as being the most crucial element in raising productivity in organisations worldwide in the coming decade. Graduates who are already working in information and knowledge management, information technology, information research or competitive intelligence within a wide range of industries and sectors will find the course of both practical and professional benefit

    Attendance & duration
    Full-time: one year, distance learning and 6 modular teaching sessions (teaching usually runs from Wednesdays to Saturdays)
    Part-time: two years distance learning and 6 modular teaching sessions. (Teaching usually runs from Wednesdays to Saturdays)
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