Master in Quality Management and Business Excellence

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Master in Quality Management and Business Excellence

  • Course description Compulsory subjects (100 hours)

    Fundamentals for corporate action

    *Environmental analysis and business management fundamentals
    Throughout this module, participants analyse the main relationships between economic, political and social variables, which are the basis for decision making in business management. Basic concepts for management activity are also examined to introduce general knowledge of the financial management of a company. Business strategy is also discussed, which is basic and introductory in nature, where, starting from the origins of the management function and its historical evolution, applying the concepts of the systemic approach to management in the light of change are considered and the principles of vision, mission and strategy are defined. Finally, the basics of Marketing are introduced to provide the participant with a comprehensive view of the subject and its fields of action.
    *Innovation management and sustainability in the company
    This prepares participants to develop a management mindset familiar with innovation and sustainability in business as key elements of business competitiveness by promoting the spirit of being professional with the ability to develop and identify new opportunities and respond quickly to changing customer needs. This is one of EOI's clear commitments as a School: all managers and leaders of tomorrow need a solid grounding in innovation methodologies and concepts to help introduce innovative practices in any process.
    *Entrepreneurship in the global economy
    In addition to leading and managing a company, a manager must foster a climate to develop entrepreneurial spirit. This module explains how to produce the process of creating ideas, analyse, execute and implement them through projects that create value for organisations and society. It gives students the technical knowledge and basic management skills required for entrepreneurs in the process of creating their business plan. It also enables students to develop a Business Plan, with all its complexity.
    *Developing management skills

    This module is geared towards the participant's personal development, working the skills needed to meet management challenges in a practical way by exercising it individually to control situations. We work on interpersonal skills relating to communication, time management, effective presentations, negotiating and leadership as well as motivating teams.

    Core subjects (470 hours)

    Processes, people and policies

    *Management Systems
    European quality management is analysed, from standardisation to certification through to accreditation. Special attention is paid to the UNE EN ISO 9001 standard, implementing and auditing it.
    *Excellence Models
    This enables students to conduct self-assessments of the EFQM excellence model; therefore, they work on an official Management Club case study (EFQM representative in Spain) and with a certified trainer, allowing the training to be officially recognised. Students can complete their training with the elective course dedicated to the FUNDIBQ Spanish-American excellence model.
    Students learn the basic tools for measuring customer satisfaction and transferring this into business management.
    *Managing processes and improving on them
    Process management is the current paradigm of business management. Guidance on processes in enterprises and organisations has become a necessity and for this reason, our students are trained in the techniques necessary to identify, set and measure processes and their outcomes. This is necessary for companies seeking excellence and we make a major effort to provide knowledge of techniques for improving processes, from classic to modern, so students achieve, for example, the green belt level in the six sigma methodology.
    *Management skills
    Although the technical content of the programme is basic, it would be insufficient if we did not teach our students those personal and management skills necessary for their personal development within enterprises today. So we address topics ranging from techniques for presenting projects in public to leadership and negotiation.
    *Practical experience

    Because we believe that the best way to learn is through practice. You will learn from the experience of Cervezas Mahou, Transportes Luis Simoes , BP, Community of Madrid, etc.

    Electives (30 hours)

    In-depth aspects of quality and excellence
    5S methodology, agreed quality, environmental risks, costs of lack of quality, accessibility, FUNDIBQ model, etc.

    Area of electives aimed at deepening concrete and specific aspects of quality and excellence.

    Project (100 hours)

    Final dissertation
    End of master degree project

    During the final term participants will carry out, by working in teams, a technical end of master degree project, in which they will apply the knowledge they have acquired. We learn by doing, taking a project and making the successes (and failures) that are part of the day to day life of any company. Each project is developed with the support of the advisory council of one of the companies of this master programme, under the tutorship of a professional from these companies who guides the students. The project is always based on a real case, in which students work handling real information, to achieve a defined objective. The project is defended before a panel of referees and this is a prerequisite for obtaining a master's degree.

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