Master Engineering with Business Management

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Master Engineering with Business Management

  • Objectives To provide graduates in engineering or relevant scientific disciplines with practical and theoretical knowledge of modern engineering techniques sufficient to prepare them for careers in the field of engineering on a managerial level.
  • Entry requirements people with a second class British honours degree in engineering or a related subject, eg physics, computer science, materials science. We welcome overseas, professional or occupational qualifications and assess them on an individual basis.
  • Academic title MSc Engineering with Business Management
  • Course description Programme description

    - Research-led individual project supervised by leading experts in their fields.
    - Well-equipped computer rooms and laboratories.
    - A unique programme in London.

    The main aim of the programme is to provide students with a good understanding of a wide range of both general management and engineering management techniques and applications. This will allow graduates to work in industry at a relatively advanced level and to work towards senior positions within manufacturing engineering or engineering management.

    Programme format and assessment
    Teaching methods: lectures, tutorials, seminars. Assessment: coursework, written examinations, final project report. More information about our modules can be found online, plus case studies.


    One year FT, two years PT, September to September.
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