Master Advanced Practice (Women's Healthcare)

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Master Advanced Practice (Women's Healthcare)

  • Objectives This pathway has a strong clinical focus, offering you an opportunity to develop and enhance specialist clinical skills in sexual and reproductive health assessment, screening, contraception, sexually transmitted infection management; communication and leadership, in order to provide a more comprehensive and easily accessible reproductive and sexual health service.
  • Entry requirements For specialist pathways, applicants must normally be working in a practice role, which involves regular patient/client contact.
  • Academic title MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert Advanced Practice (Women's Healthcare)
  • Course description This taught programme is provided by the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing & Midwifery. Follow this link for information about the School, including facilities, funding, and a list of staff research interests.

    Programme description
    - Tuition from leading experts.
    - Seminars and lectures given by leaders in healthcare from around the world.
    - A multi-faculty environment providing interprofessional learning.

    This programme will increase your knowledge and critical understanding of the socio-political context of women’s lives and health experiences; appraise your role as an advocate for women and gain in-depth knowledge of research methods and evidence-based healthcare to support the formulation, implementation and evaluation of policies. Students undertake core modules in the social and political context of women’s health; specialist practice in reproductive and sexual health; evidence-based practice and healthcare research. In addition students select options from a range of areas including:

    - Advanced assessment skills
    - Prescribing (for eligible practitioners)
    - Clinical specialities
    - Professional development and organisational change
    - Leadership
    - Health policy and NHS reform

    Other options from our BSc programme may also be available.

    Students who have already studied clinically focused modules at undergraduate or graduate level at King’s may be able to incorporate this study into the programme, provided that the credits have not already contributed to an award. Modules studied elsewhere may be incorporated through accreditation of prior certificated learning (subject to a successful accreditation claim). Students progressing to the MSc undertake a substantial research or service development project relevant to their own area of practice.

    Programme format and assessment
    The majority of assessment is by coursework; some courses are also assessed by one examination.

    Programme modules for MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert Advanced Practice (Women's Healthcare

    Dissertation (Healthcare)
    Project work continues for 12 months, with 30 days assigned for contact with academic staff. Additional time is needed for data collection during the course of the students work. The relevant interests and expertise of both students and supervisors determine the nature of projects. Careful design and measurement is emphasised. In addition to individual supervision, regular seminars and tutorials are offered to encourage and support students and these sessions are used by the students to present ideas for their projects and to facilitate discussion of problems encountered. A report of no more than 20,000 words must be submitted. It should include critical evaluation of the existing literature in the area and an appropriate presentation of the students work. Sucessful completion of taught MSc elements (postgraduate diploma) is a pre-requisite for this module.

    Evidence-based Decision Making in Healthcare
    This course aims to equip you with the skills and knowledge required to identify best evidence for your practice. It focuses on searching for, appraising and synthesising evidence from health care research. You are introduced to a range of electronic databases for accessing evidence and the principles of systematic review. Learning is facilitated through lectures, workshops and a student-directed search for evidence to address a question emerging from your own practice. Issues surrounding research implementation and evidence at the level of the individual practitioner and the health care organisation are addressed. Assessment is by means of a review of literature which answers a focussed question utilising explicit methods.

    Issues in the Conduct of Healthcare Research
    This course aims to raise awareness of issues that arise inthe conduct of research, from writing research proposals to the publication of findings. It will be useful for students embarking on a research or service development project, for new researchers wishing to develop their skills, and for healthcare professionals seeking to evaluate healthcare services. Issues covered in the course include gaining funding, managing research schedules, involving users in the research process, working with external agencies, addressing ethical and political issues in research, and managing aspects of the data collection process - for example overcoming poor response rates and managing group dynamics in focus group research. Learning is facilitated through lectures, recommended reading and seminars. The seminars provide a series of How to... sessions that facilitate application of concepts learnt during the Principal Methods for Healthcare Research course. For example: How to develop an interview schedule, or How to run a focus group. These seminars enable students to gain a practical understanding of the research process.

    Principal Methods for Healthcare Research
    This introductory course aims to provide students a broad knowledge of research approaches and techniques used in healthcare research. It intends to promote students understanding of, and enhance skills for critiquing research articles. Further it aims to promote the development of skills required to undertake a research-based project in the future. The course is essential for students who have not previously studied research methods or who would benefit from revision of this knowledge. It will consider philosophical bases for research, traditions and features of qualitative and quantitative research designs, data collection tools used in qualitative and qauntitative research and analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data. This course is a precursor for the second research methods course, Issues in the Conduct of Healthcare Research.

    Social and Political Context of Womens Health
    This course will increase your critical awareness of political, social and environmental factors influencing womens health choices and self-determination. It will facilitate critical evaluation of health and social policies, medico-legal and ethical issues and the impact of non-governmental organisations and consumer groups on womens health experiences and service provision. Particular emphasis is placed on vulnerable, disadvantaged and 'at risk' women within society. The course will provide a basis for holistic health assessment and sensitive care delivery and practitioners will gain in-depth knowledge and skills to be effective promoters and advocates for womens health care. Learning is facilitated through student led seminars, or lectures, discussions, individual tutorials and group work. Summative assessment is by a 3,000 word essay.

    Specialist Practice in Reproductive and Sexual Health Care
    This course builds on your clinical experience in reproductive and sexual health care. It will enable you to function at a clinically advanced level in meeting the challenges and opportunities inherent in the provision of a comprehensive and easily accessible sexual health service, as recommended in the National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV (DOH 2001/2002). It will focus on the acquisition and critical evaluation of specialist knowledge and clinical skills in holistic health assessment, health screening, diagnostic procedures for the management of sexually transmitted infections, family planning and contraceptive techniques, and communication skills that enhance self, client, peer and learner empowerment. The course runs over a nine month period to facilitate the acquisition of clinical skills. A range of teaching and learning strategies include lecture/discussion, reflective seminars, portfolio workshops, experimental and simulated learning. Summative assessment is by Practice Portfolio and Observed Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). Experience in sexual and reproductive health care is desirable.
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