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MArch Urban Design
The MArch in Urban Design is a research and project-based programme, which aims to enhance the quality of our cities by bringing innovative design into a new relationship with the latest theoretical research on the special structure of urban form. Architecture primarily concerns the design of individual buildings and seldom has the mandate to challenge the nature of the city itself. Conversely, planning deals with the city as a whole but generally stops short of specific design interventions, leaving open the question of what alternative spatial forms the future city might take. Through creative urban design proposals (as opposed to purely theoretical work), this course aims to fill this academic and professional vacuum. The course will enable you to develop the mechanisms and tools, which may effectively be implemented to secure and deliver projects for the long-term benefit of its city and people.
Academic title
MArch Urban Design
Course description
Urban Design (MArch)
Duration: 1 year full-time 2 years part-time
Course Content
Through its content, this course aims to:
Bridge the gap between architecture and planning;
Establish a broad theoretical basis of debate;
Encourage design experimentation and creativity;
Apply theory to specific projects.
The course emphasises the importance of design creativity, in keeping with the spirit of intellectual freedom, wit and experimental urge, which has given the School of the Built Environment its international reputation.
With initiative and creativity in mind, you will be encouraged to develop your own agenda and idiosyncrasies.
Urban Design depends heavily upon imagination, experimentation, and taking the risk of pushing the envelope far beyond the limitations of current thinking and contemporary practice.
Typical modules offered on this course currently include:
The Dwelling Place
Urban Design and Regeneration
Architectural Research Methods
Please note that all module details are subject to change.
You will spend the summer semester producing a supervised design thesis – this will be an opportunity to conduct a piece of independent research and undertake a major urban design process.
Course Structure
The MArch in Urban Design can be taken on a full-time basis over one year or part-time over two years.
This is a modular course, which is taught by means of design project work, lectures, computer classes and tutorials.
The course is worth 180 credits in total – this is split into 120 credits’ worth of taught modules and a 60-credit written research thesis, which you will undertake during the summer period towards the end of the course.
Key facts
-This programme has been designed with the urban design profession’s needs in mind; therefore, it is project-orientated and connects design projects to the broader decision-making context of a complex project.
-The MArch in Urban Planning is suitable for Architecture graduates.
-This course is taught in the Institute of Urban Planning, which is one of the first institutes in the country to offer research and postgraduate qualifications in urban design.
-The programme includes an international study tour.
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