Management for Tertiary Education (MEd-Postgraduate Diploma-Postgraduate Certificate)

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Management for Tertiary Education (MEd-Postgraduate Diploma-Postgraduate Certificate)

  • Objectives The programme aims to provide a flexible, predominantly work-related programme of study in Management for Tertiary Education for lecturers in the post-compulsory education sector.

    The programme objectives are:
    To reflect critically on management practices within the teaching context.
    To develop a range of skills and knowledge relevant to educational management.
    To develop, design and conduct a research project drawing upon appropriate methods of data collection and analysis.
    To engage reflexively with management concepts and theories.
  • Entry requirements Entrance Requirements
    You would normally have a first degree from a university or institution recognised by the University of Stirling and either an appropriate professional qualification or at least two years’ relevant experience. Non-graduates with appropriate professional qualifications or experience may exceptionally be admitted to the Certificate or Diploma. You will also need access to a suitable work setting.
  • Academic title Management for Tertiary Education (MEd/Postgraduate Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate)
  • Course description Structure and Content

    For the award of the MEd, candidates must complete:
        The four Management for Tertiary Education modules.
        The Policy, Provision and Change in Lifelong Learning module.
        The Action Enquiry and Research module.
        A cognate dissertation of 15,000 words.

    For the award of the Diploma, candidates must complete:
        The four Management for Tertiary Education modules.
        Policy, Provision and Change in Lifelong Learning module.
        The Action Enquiry and Research module.

    For the award of the Certificate, candidates must successfully complete:
        Any three from four Management for Tertiary Education modules.

    The modules are:
        Strategic Planning and Finance in Tertiary Education: This core module provides participants with an overview of strategic and financial planning by introducing a range of techniques for strategic planning, implementation and monitoring at organisational and departmental levels.
        Human Resource Management and Development in Tertiary Education: This core module enables participants to critically assess human resource management and development concepts and models and apply these to the tertiary education sector.
        Developing a Market Focus in Tertiary Education: This core module explores marketing and customer awareness concepts and strategies and their application in tertiary education.
        Leadership in Tertiary Education: This core module provides participants with the opportunity to engage critically with the theory and practice of leadership. Students consider the extent to which current theory and practice can contribute to their understanding and inform their practice within a tertiary education context.
        Policy, Provision and Change in Lifelong Learning: This core module provides a framework for the analysis of the development of policy and provision in lifelong learning in the context of economic and social change.
        Action Enquiry and Research module: This core module enables you to extend your pedagogic practice through engaging in action enquiry and research as part of your own professional development.

    Delivery and Assessment

    The taught element of the programme is delivered through the use of all-day seminars. Each module is supported by self-study learning materials and discussion groups.

    Core learning materials are digitised and available on the web. Students are offered face-to-face support for dissertation supervision.

    Each taught module is assessed by an assignment and, in the case of the module in Policy, Provision and Change in Lifelong Learning, there is also a grade for participation in online discussion. Students passing all the taught modules will be allowed to progress to the MEd dissertation. This will involve the production of a 15,000 word dissertation.

    Career Opportunities

    The programme is directly relevant to those wishing to develop their careers in the post-compulsory education sector. It is particularly appropriate for those progressing into management roles and seeking relevant professional development opportunities.
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