MA Three-Dimensional (3D) Design Innovation

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MA Three-Dimensional (3D) Design Innovation

  • Entry requirements Applicants will normally hold a good honours degree in a 3D Design subject, or a related discipline such as product or industrial design. Practising professionals with vocational, rather than academic, experience may be considered. All applicants are expected to present a portfolio of appropriate creative work at interview.
  • Academic title MA Three-Dimensional (3D) Design Innovation
  • Course description This programme deals with the widest possible research into 3D design. The areas of three-dimensional work literally touch on all aspects of design. The MA is a degree which enables a design graduate or a professional, to develop and research a design thesis which is both practical and supported by written research, developing at a higher level.

    Uniquely this University has a group of advanced specialised subjects and technology, not duplicated elsewhere.

    The Design team includes architectural, product, industrial design, silversmith, media, electronic media, animation, illustration and graphic design tutors.

    The wider Arts Scheme allows access to advanced technology water jet cutting at the Glass Centre, also part of the University. The 3D Department uses CAD milling, rapid prototyping and a 3D laser scanner is available and laser cutting is due to be installed in the 3D area.

    Course Content

    Stage 1
    Postgraduate Certificate (PgC) 60 credits

        * 3D Design Innovation 1

    Students explore aspects of 3D Design Innovation and design pertinent to their own academic and vocational interests, based upon a negotiated 'statement of intent' or rationale. This stage deals with conceptual development from the initial creative idea. There is also a theoretical element to this module which contextualises three dimensional design, alongside other design media, within the broader field of visual communications.

    Stage 2
    Postgraduate Diploma (PgD) 60 credits

        * 3D Design Innovation 2

    Building upon the experiences at certificate stage, the students explore aspects of 3D Design Innovation and design pertinent to their own academic and vocational interests, based upon a negotiated 'statement of intent' or rationale. This stage deals with archetype or prototype development testing the concepts in 3D before the final stage. There is also a theoretical element to this module which contextualises three dimensional design, alongside other design media, within the broader field of visual communications.

    Stage 3
    Masters (MA) 60 credits

        * 3D Design Innovation 3

    Within a sixty credit module, students produce a significant portfolio of innovative, creative work which has evolved from the visual and theoretical research fostered at stages one and two. This will be supported by a dissertation or case study either based upon the practical and research outcomes, or the historical or contemporary contexts from which the work has evolved.

    Teaching and Assessment

    A wide range of teaching and learning methods are incorporated in the programme, ranging from formal lectures and student led seminars, to group critiques and practical demonstrations. These are supported by a range of guest speakers from a wide spectrum of academic and design backgrounds.

    Assessment is through portfolio presentation or exhibition, seminar presentation, written essays and dissertation.

    Work Experience

    Students are recommended to seek membership of appropriate professional bodies, such as the Chartered Society of Designers, though this is not a mandatory requirement.

    Career Opportunities

    On completing this programme you will be equipped for employment within the creative industries at an advanced level. The type of career likely to be sought by postgraduates with this award includes: designers of interiors and architectural space, industrial and product, furniture and exhibitions, models and theatre props and silversmith and jewellery. The award will also enhance career opportunities within further and higher education.

    Supplemental Information

    Interview Selection Criteria
    We interview all suitably qualified applicants or, in the case of overseas students, invite you to send slides, CD's web address or other evidence of you creative ability and experience.

    You will have a guided tour of the facility and, of course, can ask any questions you want. You may like to bring your parents along for the tour part of the day. If they have not already been to one of our open days. We prefer to tell you decision, and how we regard your work, at the end of your interview.

    Overseas students are welcomed and there is a specialised department to assist with applications, academic support, pastoral care and making your move to the United Kingdom and university education trouble-free and enjoyable.

    Among the qualities sought at the interview, which is usually informal, are evidence of your creative ability, passion for design, a desire to work hard, an eagerness to learn and an attitude to push the boundaries of creativeness and invention.

    Applicants commonly present 3D work which can occassionally cause transport problems. Although we would prefer to see physical work, quality photographs are acceptable.

    World Class Web/Design Tools

    The University of Sunderland provides access to the full Adobe/Microsoft suite of web/design applications on campus. Under our Education Partnership Agreement, Adobe/Microsoft tools are upgraded every time there is a new release, to ensure that our students have the very latest industry standard versions. Apply now for access to the latest versions of: Adobe/Microsoft (inc. Dream weaver, Flash, Fireworks, Freehand) Director (web content, DVD & CD Rom production tool) Also Authorware, Contribute, Breeze and others.
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