MA in Social Work (Leading to Registered Social Worker Status)

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MA in Social Work (Leading to Registered Social Worker Status)

  • Objectives The course aims to enable students to meet the national occupational standards for social work and so prepare them for admission to the General Social Care Council register of social workers and qualification as professional social workers able to work with the full range of service-user groups. The course also aims to develop critical and reflective practitioners who are able to draw on research findings to develop their own practice. Successful students are awarded the MA in Social Work, which makes them eligible to become Registered Social Workers.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirements Normally a minimum lower second class honours degree in any subject. Exceptionally, other qualifications may be considered. Applicants must also have some experience of helping people (through employment or voluntary work) and be able to demonstrate the personal qualities required for competent social work practice.
  • Academic title MA in Social Work
  • Course description Course modules

    -Social work theories and methods
    -The profession of social work: history & social structure
    -Practice and procedures
    -Understanding users’ perspectives
    -Research and research methods
    -Organisation and management
    -Welfare rights law
    -Law for social workers
    -Core social work skills and competence
    -Social inequalities
    -Social Work with Adults & Children and Families
    -Mental Health
    -Dissertation groups
    -Three periods of supervised practice learning will be undertaken (this includes a 25 day period of inter-professional practice learning).


    -Homeless people; asylum seekers & refugees
    -Learning & physical disabilities
    -Youth & criminal Justice
    -Drug and alcohol misuse

    Teaching and assessment methods
    A wide range of teaching/learning methods are used including self-directed group work, lectures, seminars, project work, simulations and role play, tutorial groups and individual tutorials and individual and group supervision of dissertations. Practice learning consists of direct practice with individuals, families and groups supported by individual supervision. The course includes 200 days of supervised practice learning in social work agencies.

    Duration and mode of study
    Two years full-time.

    Please note that entry to professional social work programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate level is via the UCAS admissions system.
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