MA in Language Learning and Technology (online)

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MA in Language Learning and Technology (online)

  • Objectives It provides a foundation in linguistics and language acquisition (including teaching and learning theories on which to build and practise new professional skills) and focuses on three areas: in-depth study of language learning and teaching (including assessment); application of technologies in language learning and teaching/assessment; development of programmes and structures supportive of learner autonomy (establishment of self-access centres) and open and distance teaching in languages.
  • Entry requirements This is an online programme designed for people who are, or intend to become, language learning professionals: for example, language teachers, resource centre staff or courseware developers.
  • Academic title MA in Language Learning and Technology
  • Course description The programme can be taken over one year full-time or two part-time. Individual modules can also be followed for training purposes. The flexibility of this programme allows full-time professionals to participate without undue impact on their other personal commitments.


    The central themes of the programme engage with theoretical and practical teaching and technological issues. Students follow modules introducing them to second language acquisition and common features of language in Semester 1. In Semester 2 students have the opportunity to enhance their practical teaching skills and look at the management of open learning.

    The core modules build on theoretical expertise developed in the first semester.


    -Language: Structure and Process
    -Language Learning
    -Management of Open Learning for Languages
    -Approaches to Language Teaching
    -Advising for Language Learning
    -E-Learning and Languages

    Most of the modules are assessed through a combination of participation in online discussions, essays and project work.The recommended dissertation length is 15,000 words.

    It is possible to study and pass Stage 1 for a freestanding Certificate in Advising for Language Learning (60 credits).

    Language learning and teaching; culture in language learning; reflective learning (including PDP); online (language) learning; independent learning; the discourse of advising; online learning communities; internationalisation of the curriculum; grammatical description and the structure of English; language variation, existential constructions and definiteness.

    Other areas of expertise include sociolinguistics and pragmatics.
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