MA in Global Communications and International Politics

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MA in Global Communications and International Politics

  • Objectives This programme aims to discover the power of the Internet and the potential of the digital revolution from a social science perspective.
  • Academic title MA in Global Communications and International Politics
  • Course description The bubbles of the 'new economy' may have burst but the
    global Internet revolution has just begun. The Internet is
    arguably the largest and most powerful communications
    instrument we human beings have ever created and
    cyberspace is said to be the largest free market in the world.
    The ubiquitous Internet is beginning to affect every aspect of
    our life and it touches upon every part of the world. The
    concepts and systems developed in the industrial age might not
    be applicable to the understanding about the emergent global
    network society.

    This MA programme draws upon the expertise of a group of
    political economists and political scientists at Hull, who are
    actively engaged in teaching and research on issues related to
    the global information and communications revolution. The
    programme introduces a new but growing area of study on
    digital media and the emergent global new economy, with a
    multidisciplinary approach. It offers a postgraduate degree with
    a distinctive pathway to the study of the social, economic and
    political implications of new media technologies, in particular
    the Internet.

    Programme structure

    With a multidisciplinary approach, the first core module,
    'Communications and International Politics', introduces students
    to a range of new and important issues about the study of new
    information and communications technologies (ICTs) and the
    emergent global new economy.The focus of this module is on
    the social, economic and political implications of new media
    technologies in general and the Internet in particular.

    The second core module, 'Political Economy of Global
    ', introduces students to a variety of
    theoretical perspectives on the emergent global new economy
    and network society. An important part of the module is to
    analyse the process of public policymaking at local, national and
    international level in response to new information and communications
    technologies, such as the Internet, with particular
    references to the United States, Europe and the Asia-Pacific
    region. Core themes for the Programme include, among others,
    digital convergence, transnational flow of communications and
    its impact on government regulation, freedom of information
    and data protection, national security in the information age,
    the rise of the network society and development of networked
    governance, e-Government and e-Democracy, e-Commerce,
    global governance of the Internet and the global 'digital divide'.

    The core modules are complemented by a variety of optional
    modules (subject to availability) dealing with more specialised
    aspects of the study of the Internet provided throughout the
    programme to cater for the diversified research interests of

    The module 'Global Communications, Globalisation and
    ' covers a variety of theoretical perspectives
    concerning the study of globalisation and development issues
    in the information age and the constantly changing world
    information and communications order. The module analyses
    key issues such as the impact of new information and
    communications technologies on developing countries and a
    particular focus of the module is placed on the experience of
    countries in South and South East Asia, and their policies and
    strategies, in coping with the challenges posed by globalisation
    in the digital age.

    The module 'Strategic Thinkers:The Information Age' offers an
    in-depth examination of key strategic thinkers, with an
    emphasis on the ways in which their ideas anticipate
    infomation-age problems, and upon their relevance to the
    present day.

    The module 'International Politics of the Environment and the
    Internet' assesses the role of the Internet in the recent
    international environmental politics and its increased
    importance within countries and international organisations
    such as the United Nations.

    In addition, students are offered the opportunity to develop
    practical skills in using and analysing new media technologies,
    which would add value to their future employment. For those
    who are interested, the University's ICT Training Team provides
    a wide range of training programmes in specialised ICT fields,
    which are available to Hull students.

    On completion of the taught module component of the
    degree, students are given the opportunity to research and
    write a 15,000 word dissertation on a topic of their choice in
    the international politics and global political economy of new
    media technologies.

    Students on this degree programme are taught by weekly
    seminars and in small groups.

    Graduates from this programme will be equipped with the
    knowledge and skills in new media technologies, in particular
    the Internet, and the new economy, to enable them to either
    pursue a variety of careers in the public and private sectors or
    to study further for a PhD degree.
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