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MA in Applied Ethics
The aim of this MA (Master of Arts) programme is to apply the skills and insights derived from philosophical ethics to major contemporary moral and social problems. These include such problems as new developments in medicine and biotechnology; issues of crime and punishment; freedom of speech and action; the ethics of research; standards of morality in the conduct of the professions, commerce and politics; warfare; the challenges to democracy posed by terrorism and nationalism; environmental ethics; and the moral values relevant to policy making.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements: A good Honours degree or equivalent
Academic title
MA in Applied Ethics
Course description
All students take core modules which involve seminars covering ethical theory and the broad areas of applied ethics, along with two optional modules.
Options available include
-Values and the Environment
-Special Topic in Applied Ethics
-Issues in Public Policy and Applied Ethics
-Research Ethics
Students may, if they wish, select options and a dissertation so as to specialise in a particular area of applied ethics.
The core and optional modules are assessed by essays. In addition there is an individually researched dissertation.
Applied ethics is an important research area at the University of Hull, where there is an interdisciplinary Institute of Applied Ethics (see page 42) under the Directorship of Dr Suzanne Uniacke, who also directs the MA in Applied Ethics. Particularly important for this MA programme are close links with Politics, Law and the Hull York Medical School.
The Editorship of the Journal of Applied Philosophy, a leading academic journal published by Blackwell, is based in Philosophy at Hull. Dr Uniacke is Chief Editor, and Dr Stephen Burwood is Reviews Editor.
Staff in Philosophy whose research interests support this Masters programme are Dr John McMillan, Dr Antony Hatzistavrou, Dr Stephen Burwood and Dr Stella Gonzalez-Arnal.
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Other programs related to philosophy
Institution: University of Wolverhampton, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences
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Institution: University of Wolverhampton, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences
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