MA Human Security and Environmental Change

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MA Human Security and Environmental Change

  • Objectives The key aim of this programme is to enable you to develop a better understanding of the relationship between (global and local) environmental change and human security, and of how risk and change management may be addressed. For too long environmental change has been divorced from human security and has been analysed academically, as a scientific issue alone. There is a clear need to analyse environmental change within the wider context of the economic, social, institutional, cultural, technological and particularly political changes taking place within the world today. By reframing environmental change as an issue of human security, you will be addressing questions about equity, justice, vulnerability, and power relations. You will consider whose security may actually be threatened by environmental change and furthermore what options exist for managing issues of change. This MA is unique, dynamic and innovative; there are very few post graduate degrees like this in the country. It is a timely and exciting programme that is designed to engage you in some of the most significant and pressing issues confronting society today; for instance, climate change is increasingly being described as a ‘security’ problem in political arenas. You will explore and develop skills in an area of risk and change management that will be invaluable in careers involving emergency planning, risk, change management, environmental ethics, corporate responsibility, human security and so on. In addition, you have the opportunity to undertake work based learning via an optional professional development module, thus enhancing your understanding of key issues and furthering your employability. Potential career routes for a graduate of this programme could include: -Emergency planning within local authorities -Emergency Planning in Environment Agency -International Environmental Policy management, particularly within the private sector - Corporate Social Responsibility divisions -Recycling officers in all sectors -Researchers or policy officers within international NGO’s- such as Water for Kids (based in Daventry) -Researcher for Members of Parliament -Environment, Sustainability and/or Energy Officer with Regional Government -Economic Policy Officer with Regional Development Agency -Environmental Partnerships Officer for Natural England -Campaign Manager for Greenpeace -Environmental Advisor for a consultancy, such as Interserve -Parliamentary and Government relations office for the Environment Agency -Sustainability Officer in all sectors (including employment routes via universities) -Carbon and Sustainability Reporting officer in all sectors -Energy Manager in a private sector company, such as Beresford Blake Thomas Technical -Community and Environmental Affairs manager in all sectors, for instance banking -Risk Assessment Consultant, all sectors.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirements Applicants should normally have a good honours degree and a demonstrated interest in environmental issues and human security. For applicants whose first language is not English, English should have been studied to a high level e.g. an IELTS profile of 6.5. Specialist courses in English Language are also available in the University's new Language Teaching facilities. We welcome applications from mature students, from learners with backgrounds which do not fit a conventional pattern, or who might have the ability to benefit from the course but have professional rather than conventional qualifications. These candidates are considered on an individual basis, usually through an interview.
  • Academic title MA Human Security and Environmental Change
  • Course description Course content
    Core Modules (taken by all students):

    -Human Security (30 credits) Focuses on: development, population, health, poverty, peace, conflict, terrorism, justice, governance, politics, economics.
    -Environmental Change (30 credits) Focuses on: sustainability, risk, uncertainty, science, mitigation, change management, bio-security, technology, cities and environmental change.
    -Research Methods and Dissertation (60 credits) Research Methods is a module taught in the first half of the year. You will complete an 8,000 word dissertation. Depending on your interests and on the optional modules you choose, the dissertation can be linked to work based learning in the professional development module.
    -Professional Development (20 credits) Includes a work placement.

    Optional Modules (you take 60 credits of options from the following list):

    -Globalisation (20 credits)
    -New Geographies of Energy (20 credits)
    -Humanity and the Natural World (20 credits)
    -Media Analysis (20 credits)
    -Citizenship (20 credits)
    -Contemporary Philosophy (20 credits)
    -Global Political Economy and Global Institutions (30 credits)
    -International Institutions- negotiation and co-operation (30 credits)
    -Environment: Philosophy, Theory, Policy and Practice (30 credits)

    Assessment on the course involves course work, report writing, presentations and group work. There are also class tests, critical reviews and management plans to prepare. The core of the course is structured with no formal examinations. All candidates for the MA write a dissertation, and prepare work on research methods including an assessed dissertation proposal as part of the research training element of the degree. The option modules include assessment of 'professional elements'. This varied pattern of assessment reflects the main aim of the course in preparing students for work either in academic, research, analysis or practical policy management fields.

    Study routes
    -MA full-time: 12 months
    -MA part-time: 24 months
    -PgDip full-time: 12 months
    -PgDip part-time: 24 months
    -PgCert full-time: nine months.
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