MA Creative Writing

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MA Creative Writing

  • Objectives This course is designed for practising writers who want to develop their work further. The MA is taught by established writers who have long experience of the editorial process and the publishing industry. Applicants should have substantial writing experience, although they do not need to have been published. The MA is taught in the evenings, full-time (one year) or part-time (two years). The course has a strong practical emphasis. Recent students have acquired agents and publishing deals.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirements Students require either a good honours degree or satisfactory evidence of an ability to cope with the demands of the course; plus evidence of a commitment to the production of their own writing. For applicants whose first language is not English, English should have been studied to a high level e.g. an IELTS profile of 7. Specialist courses in English Language are also available in the University's new language teaching facilities. The most important aspect of your application is a 3,000 word writing sample. This can be sent by post or email. We do not arrange interviews until this sample has been considered. Overseas candidates are interviewed by phone.
  • Academic title MA Creative Writing
  • Course description MA Creative Writing

    The course invites you to develop your writing strengths by providing a framework within which you can discuss your own and each other's work. It is suitable for students with a talent for and commitment to creative writing. Ideally, students will also have experience of workshopping.

    The core element of the course is a series of seminars and lectures on general writing issues with optional modules in the form of practical writing workshops. Students currently choose two options from fiction, children's and young adult fiction, poetry and scriptwriting. Other options may be available.

    The core course regularly hosts talks and readings by writers. Guests have included Neil Arksey, Carole Blake, Jenny Diski, Geoff Dyer, Michael Eaton, Alan Hollinghurst, Kathryn Hughes, Jackie Kay, Melanie McGrath, Jon McGregor, Hamish Macoll, Kate Mosse, Peter Porter, Celia Rees and Alan Sillitoe. Writers from the English department also contribute to the MA.

    Course content
    Students take the core module, two options and a dissertation (part-time students do the second option and dissertation in their second year). There are two assignments in each option. These take the form of creative work accompanied by a critical or editorial commentary rather than formal academic essays.

    Study routes
    -MA full-time: 12 months
    -MA part-time: 24 months
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