LLM-Diploma Law and Devolved Governments

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LLM-Diploma Law and Devolved Governments

  • Entry requirements ntry We accept applications from graduates of LLB and other disciplines. For LLB graduates, we normally require a minimum of a lower second class degree from an approved University. Applications will be considered on a case by case basis for students with degrees in other subjects. Alternatively, possession of a suitable professional qualification or relevant practical experience may be accepted. In general, all applicants are judged on their individual merits. Work experience and other factors are also taken into consideration.
  • Academic title LLM/Diploma Law and Devolved Governments
  • Course description Since 1999, powers previously held by Westminster have been devolved to the National Assembly for Wales and the Welsh Assembly Government in Cardiff. The granting of further legislative powers from 2006 onwards means that the legal system in Wales is becoming increasingly different from the legal system of England.

    Under the Welsh Assembly Government, the mechanics and processes of devolved fields in areas such as Health Education, Housing, Planning and Social Services will evolve and change. This is creating a demand for personnel who have thorough legal knowledge and expertise to plan, lead and manage effectively within these fields.

    Public bodies, commercial and voluntary organisations operating in Wales will need to develop their understanding of the mechanics and consequences of policy and legislation in devolved fields for reasons of compliance and in order to operate successfully in a post-devolution Wales.

    Bangor University School of Law’s LLM Masters in Law and Devolved Government is specifically designed to meet the challenge which will be faced by civil servants, lawyers, public servants and senior administrators working in devolved fields.


    This course will be of interest to both full-time and day-release candidates and is specifically designed to accommodate those wishing to study on a day-release basis. Consequently, it will interest solicitors and barristers, or individuals employed or considering a career in the civil service, local government, health service administration or other public bodies.

    The course may also be undertaken on a full-time basis, and will be of interest to graduates of Law, Politics, Social Sciences and other related fields who are considering careers in the public, private or voluntary sector.

    The course may also be of interest to individuals who have a keen interest in politics and legal matters and who may wish to further develop their understanding of law and devolution.

    Applications are welcome from British, European and International applicants who are interested in the legal aspects of Devolution and Devolved forms of Government.


    Part 1: Taught modules are undertaken in the period of September to June and will involve the study of a 120 credits and will represent 50% of the final mark.

    Teaching will mostly be seminar based which will promote group and individual interaction, which also ensures that every individual student is encouraged to contribute to discussions. Seminar based teaching enables lecturers and students to discuss issues and investigate topics in greater depth, develops critical thinking and solution based learning skills in students, whilst also allowing the course teachers to monitor closely each individual’s progress. Emphasis will be placed on the use of virtual learning through the mechanism of the Blackboard computer assisted learning system.

    Part 2: the dissertation is valued at 60 credits and is undertaken during the period of June to September, on successful completion of part 1. The Dissertation of approximately 20,000 words in length, and will focus on a legal topic reflecting students’ specialised topics and module selection or a specialised interest relating to the area with the approval of the School. Part 2 will represent 50% of the final mark.

    Teaching will be in English, however according to the University’s Welsh Language policy, students who so wish may be examined, and present essays, coursework and dissertations through the medium of Welsh.

    Full-Time or Part-Time Day Release

    Seminars will all be delivered on Thursdays, allowing for attendance on a day-release basis between October to December (Semester 1) and from February to April (Semester 2) with a flexibility to complete the course over a period of up to three years.

    Full-time study will last for 12 months from October to September, undertaking modules from October to June, and undertaking the Dissertation from June to September.

    Compulsory modules:

        * Legal Research Methods
          This module addresses the development of the necessary legal skills and research methods to enable the study of legal systems and specific legal issues at Masters level.

    Optional modules (choose 3):

        * Public Law in Wales
          Public Law in Wales will explore the interface between the Welsh Assembly Government, the National Assembly for Wales, and Welsh local authorities and other public bodies.

        * The Legal Regulation of Health and Social Care in England and Wales
          This module intends to provide a critical overview of the legal regulation of health and social care in Wales, with a hope that with the understanding provided will contribute in due course to judicious decision making and the enhancement of service provision.

        * Law of Devolution in Wales and Europe
          This module, for which prior legal study is not essential, will examine the legal provisions relating to devolved legislative, administrative and judicial government in Wales, the United Kingdom and Europe. 
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