Vision and Values
We take our mission and values very seriously. We believe they frame everything we do for our students, staff and the local community.
Our vision
To be the leading provider of educational and training opportunities in the region - identified by learners and employers alike as their gateway to an economically viable future.
Our Values
Our values underpin the work of South Thames College, inform our behaviour and make a significant contribution to achieving our ambitions and delivering our priorities. We are committed to being:
* Ambitious - for our learners, our employers, our college and our future
* Supportive - going the extra mile.
* Professional - in our conduct to our customers and to each other
* Inclusive - maintaining a culture which is open and accessible.
* Responsive - continually adapting and improving.
* Excellent - stimulating and inspiring our learners and employers.
We are also promoters of the Government's "Every Child Matters" agenda which has 5 supporting themes:
* Be healthy
* Stay safe
* Enjoy and achieve
* Make a positive contribution
* Achieve economic well-being