FdA Art and Design

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FdA Art and Design

  • Objectives * Prepares students for degree courses or careers in art and design * Provides students with a strong portfolio covering all aspects of art and design * Excellent facilities with individual studio space for each student from the beginning of the course.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirements * A strong GCSE profile or equivalent, including grade C in English and one art and design subject * GCE A Levels/AVCE, or equivalent, including at least one art and design subject * All equivalent international qualifications are welcome, as are applications from mature students (21+) with alternative qualifications and/or work experience.
  • Academic title FdA Art and Design
  • Course description FdA Art and Design


    Prepares students for progression to a variety of specialist art and design study options, including BA/BSc Honours Degrees, EDEXCEL Higher National Diplomas and teacher training courses. Students study for one year through three stages:

        * Stage one: the course introduces basic skills within the practice of art and design. This includes working in both 2D and 3D with a range of basic material, media and methods. Students are introduced to drawing in its broadest sense, developing visual language skills and learning how to develop ideas
        * Stage two: a programme of specialist studio activities, including fine art, graphic design, 2D and 3D multi-disciplinary design, provide an opportunity for students to confirm that the chosen specialist subject is appropriate
        * Stage three: gives an opportunity for personal preference and maximising potential. A course of lectures and seminars underpins the practical studio activities, introducing historical and current trends, directions and contexts in which artists and designers operate.

    Specialist subjects include: fine art painting, sculpture, print, multimedia, graphic design, computer graphics, illustration, surface decoration, textiles, fashion, contour, footwear, furniture, product, theatre design, jewellery, spatial design, contextual studies and lens-based media. IT and workshop skills are embedded into the Foundation qualification. An element of English Language is included in the Foundation programme for international students.
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