End of Life Care (MSc)

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End of Life Care (MSc)

  • Entry requirements Standard Entry
    Applicants will normally have graduated in a relevant subject area and have a minimum of three years post-qualifying experience.
  • Academic title End of Life Care (MSc)
  • Course description COURSE INFORMATION

    This course offers the opportunity for experienced practitioners and others interested in this area to extend their understanding of issues which impact upon end of life care. A major emphasis on the course will be the application and analysis of appropriate professional knowledge within the context of End of Life Care.

    Students will have an opportunity to:

        * Critically review a range of philosophical perspectives in end of life care
        * Develop a critical understanding of a range of approaches required for effective patient/client assessment and management.
        * Develop specific knowledge related to end of life care in their area of practice and critically consider issues from a multi-focal perspective.
        * Evaluate practice in terms of politics, policy, ethics and governance. Critically examine concepts of death and dying in contemporary society.

    This course is designed to enable the students to acquire specific knowledge and skills on the development and application of knowledge in End of Life Care. The modules in the portfolio reflect contemporary issues in this area of practice and include; social construction of death and dying, end of life care the physical perspective, end of life care the psychosocial needs of patients, carers and families, legal and ethical dimensions of end of life care, and seamless care delivery at the end of life. There will be an emphasis on learning with a range of lectures seminars and workshops. Supervisors will be appointed with appropriate experience and expertise. Assessment is mainly through written assignment which will include essays, portfolio and case studies and will demonstrate evidence of achievement of the learning outcomes.
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