Emergency Management and Planning MSc-PgD-PgC

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Emergency Management and Planning MSc-PgD-PgC

  • Objectives The programme strengthens co-operation between the various services and organisations concerned with the planning and response to emergencies and disasters. This is reflected in the diverse backgrounds of the students and the range of material studied. The Emergency Management and Planning programme will enhance an organisation’s capability to meet existing and emerging threats by improving the levels of expertise and resilience building. It will enhance individual career development by enabling the student to gain a postgraduate qualification with transferable skills in an exciting and challenging field.
  • Academic title Emergency Management and Planning MSc/PgD/PgC
  • Course description POSTGRADUATE FRAMEWORK


    If you are a health professional and are thinking about areas in which you can develop professionally, then here are some possibilities.

    This leaflet outlines a wide range of courses for those wishing to undertake postgraduate study for their continuing professional development (CPD). This may include short courses, a module or an entire Masters programme. All short courses and modules can be studied for academic credit or attendance only.

    We offer a diverse range of skills and experience which can enhance your learning experience here at the University of Hertfordshire.


    The University of Hertfordshire offers a wide range of accredited postgraduate programmes. These programmes all offer stepping off points at post graduate certificate (60 credits) postgraduate diploma (120 credits) and a full MSc (180 credits).

    This includes an

    -MSc in Dietetics (Advanced Practice)
    -MSc in Advanced Physiotherapy
    -MSc in Advanced Physiotherapy (Neuromusculoskeletal)
    -MSc in Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences

    In addition, we offer a Postgraduate Certificate in Patient Assessment and Management (Primary Care pathway) and for paramedics only a Postgraduate Certificate in Patient Assessment and Management (Critical Care pathway).


    This programme will enhance your career development by enabling you to gain a postgraduate qualification with transferable skills in an exciting and challenging field. Teaching methods

    The Civil Emergency Management Centre was established in 1992 and provided the first academic programme in the UK for emergency management professionals. The programme has been re-validated in line with new legislation but the tradition of providing a programme for practitioners that is taught by fellow practitioners continues to this day. Many of the Centre’s alumni hold senior positions in contingency planning.
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