Economics for Natural Resource and Environmental Management MSc-PgDip-PgCert

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Economics for Natural Resource and Environmental Management MSc-PgDip-PgCert

  • Objectives It is increasingly recognised that human welfare depends on the sustainable management of natural resources and ecological systems. However, there is growing concern that current patterns of economic development are unsustainable. Stocks of natural resources, and the services that flow from these, are in decline. Such concerns are clearly evident in recent high profile studies including the Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the UK Stern Review. While many of the messages on environmental change appear threatening, there are considerable opportunities to improve human welfare, support new market development and economic growth, as well as significantly improving the state of the environment. It is now recognised that real progress will only be made when the economic dimensions of environmental change are explicitly built into the decisions of individuals, households, private organisations and governments. This has stimulated the growing demand for natural resource and environmental economists who can help achieve this. In this context, the course critically analyses the two-way relationship between economic and environmental systems. On completion, participants will have an understanding of, and be able to apply, key concepts and techniques of natural resource and environmental economics, including for example: environmental valuation and pricing; the use of economic instruments for environmental policy; and decision support techniques such as cost benefit and multi criteria analyses.
  • Entry requirements This course is suitable for graduates with natural, physical and engineering science degrees keen to reorient their careers toward natural resource and environmental economics; or graduates with a degree in economics seeking to develop a specialist knowledge of natural resource and environmental economics.
  • Academic title Economics for Natural Resource and Environmental Management MSc/PgDip/PgCert
  • Course description The key features of the Economics for Natural Resource and Environmental Management MSc/PgDip/PgCert postgraduate level programme include:

        * Tailored to meet the increasing demand for natural resource and environmental economists
        * Combines theory and practice, ensuring graduates enjoy excellent employment prospects
        * Provides international perspectives and applications
        * Incorporates social, natural and engineering sciences
        * Combines individual and team based learning and skills
        * Enables organisation based special study projects
        * Offers a part-time route, suited to consolidating or changing career direction
        * Provides credit-based Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert) and Diploma (PgDip) qualifications

    Course structure

    The course comprises eight assessed modules, a group project and an individual research project.

    The modules include lectures and tutorials, and are assessed through practical work, written examinations, case studies, essays, presentations and tests. These provide the 'tools' required for the group and individual projects.

    The three elements of the course are assessed as follows:

    The course comprises eight assessed modules, a group project and an individual research project.

    -Taught modules:  40%
    -Group projects:  20%*
    -Individual project: 40%
    *For part-time students a dissertation can replace the group project.

    Part-time programmes are structured in a similar way to the full-time programme and comprise eight one-week assessed modules, a group project (or dissertation), and an individual project, which results in the production of a thesis. Part-time students are normally expected to complete their MSc in two to three years. The modular nature of the programmes allows students a degree of flexibility in the number and order of modules completed each year. Students may commence the course at any time during the year.
    Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip)

    Delivered and assessed at Masters level, the PgDip represents the taught element of the associated MSc. Students are expected to complete eight modules and a group project.
    Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert)

    Delivered and assessed at Masters level, the PgCert comprises a subset of the syllabus for the taught element of the associated MSc/PgDip course. Students are expected to complete six modules.

    Course modules

    The course is taught by members of research and academic staff within the Natural Resources Departments, staff from other academic departments and industrial representatives.

          Environmental Econometrics
          Environmental Policy
          Environmental Valuation
          Globalisation and Environmental Change
          Institutions and Natural Resource Management
          Natural Resource Economics
          Principles of Economics
          Welfare Economics and the Environment


          Group project
          Individual project

    Environmental Policy and Globalisation and Environmental Change are run jointly with MSc in Environmental Management for Business.

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