Early Years Education and Care (Postgraduate Certificate-Diploma-MA)

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Early Years Education and Care (Postgraduate Certificate-Diploma-MA)

  • Entry requirements Standard Entry A first degree or equivalent qualification or relevant personal or professional experience.
  • Academic title Early Years Education and Care (Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma/MA)
  • Course description COURSE INFORMATION
    This Masters programme provides a progression route from Postgraduate Diploma. Professionals who have successfully accumulated 120 points at M level may enter a third year of study. At the progression point to the master's year, participants, in consultation with their tutors, elect to follow one of two pathways, the practice researcher pathway or the advanced practitioner pathway.

    The 'Practice Researcher' pathway -
    The movement towards research and evidence based practice in the professions is based, at its simplest, on the argument that professionals have a moral responsibility to practise in ways that are underpinned by the best research knowledge available and that are improved by building an evidence base for that particular practice in the particular setting. This element of the provision, therefore, will improve practice through the improvement of teachers' and other professionals' capacity to operate effectively in a research and evidence-based profession. The overall aim of this route, then, is to enable professionals to examine critically quantitative, qualitative and multi-methods approaches to practice-based research so that they develop both their understanding of the range of methodologies used to research educational practice and their skills in engaging in small-scale research studies themselves.

    The 'Advanced Practitioner' pathway -
    The pathway to MA aims to develop participants' capacity to improve practice and to facilitate their professional development. It is based on the view that whilst the practice of competent professionals with be appropriate, the advanced practitioner will have a creative approach to her/his role, and will have the ability to respond imaginatively in situations which are not routine, and for which there are no recognised or established procedures. This involves making judgements which optimise learning in complex, uncertain and fluid encounters with learners. Often professionals will need to respond creatively to situations that are rapidly changing.

    This element of the CPD provision will improve practice by advancing practitioners' understandings so that they are able to act as "advanced practitioners" in their professional contexts.

    Year 1 Modules

    AA0113 Foundations, Philosophies and Policies of Enquiry (CORE, 20 Credits)

    TE0385 Teaching & Learning Strategies in the Early Years (CORE, 20 Credits)

    TE0390 Management & Leadership in the Early Years (CORE, 20 Credits)
    Year 2 Modules

    AA0114 Research Skills: Design and Methods (CORE, 20 Credits)

    TE0386 Special Educational Needs in the Early Years (CORE, 20 Credits)

    TE0387 Partnership in the Early Years (CORE, 20 Credits)
    Year 3 Modules

    PP0189 Empirical Project (OPTION, 60 Credits)

    PP0190 Practice Project (OPTION, 60 Credits)


    PP0189 Empirical Project (OPTION, 60 Credits)

    PP0190 Practice Project (OPTION, 60 Credits)

    Year 4 Modules

    PP0189 Empirical Project (OPTION, 60 Credits)

    PP0190 Practice Project (OPTION, 60 Credits)


    PP0189 Empirical Project (OPTION, 60 Credits)

    PP0190 Practice Project (OPTION, 60 Credits)

    Year 5 Modules

    PP0189 Empirical Project (OPTION, 60 Credits)

    PP0190 Practice Project (OPTION, 60 Credits)


    PP0189 Empirical Project (OPTION, 60 Credits)

    PP0190 Practice Project (OPTION, 60 Credits)



    The Early Years provision at Northumbria received a very positive OFSTED Inspection Report, attracting grades 1 and 2 in the areas inspected. Professionals attending these courses will be supported to identify their learning goals in relation to their own and institutional development needs and for the evaluation of provision and its impact.

    The target audiences for all elements in this area are:
    - Teachers and other professionals working with young children in a range of settings including in Early Excellence Centres and EAZs
    - Teachers and other professionals working with children in the Early Years (up to the end of Key Stage One) in the primary school
    - Teachers intending to train others involved in Early Years settings, including Excellence Centres.

    When applying for this programme, can you please state in the Personal Statement section of the application form whether you have Qualified Teacher Status and if so, what your registration number is.
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