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Dual LLM
Entry requirements
Entry requirements: A first or second class Honours degree or equivalent in a relevant subject area or appropriate professional experience. You must also be able to demonstrate English-language ability equivalent to IELTS 6.5.
Academic title
Dual LLM
Course description
This Masters programme is unique in British universities as it provides students with the opportunity to study the public law systems of Europe and the United States, leading to separate LLM degrees from Hull and American University’s Washington College of Law. Both institutions are globally recognised for their expertise and teaching in the area of public law. The programme allows students to obtain degrees from both institutions in less time than it would take to complete them separately and therefore make considerable savings on tuition costs. The programme also allows students significant flexibility in start dates and scheduling.
Students on this programme pursue taught modules during a semester of study at the Law School in Hull and a semester of study at the Washington School of Law. In both cases students are allowed to choose from a wide range of modules that will develop a comparative understanding of public law. At Hull, students are part of the European Public Law programme; at Washington, they are part of the Law and Government programme. The final semester comprises the Dissertation, which is a supervised independent research project.
At Hull, you must take the module European Public Law; at Washington, you must take The Washington Lawyer.
At both Hull and Washington, you can undertake a wide range of optional modules – too many to list here. Further details may be found here.
The methods of assessment vary from module to module but include research essays, unseen examinations, writing assignments, oral presentations and class participation.
The appeal of this programme is the opportunity that it provides students to study at two different institutions in the two different countries and obtain degrees from both. The institutions involved are well recognised centres of excellence in the field of public law, and students benefit from the vibrant research cultures and exciting life experiences that they both provide.
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Other programs related to law profession / law practice
Institution: University of Wolverhampton, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences
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Institution: University of Wolverhampton, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences
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Institution: University of Wolverhampton, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences
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