Dog Grooming Distance Learning Diploma Course

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Dog Grooming Distance Learning Diploma Course

  • Entry requirements The ideal distance learner has a mature outlook, is very determined to make their career choice a complete success, and possesses the self confidence to practice without an instructor standing over their shoulder. You will have full tutor support for the duration of the course so if there is anything you may find difficult you can always contact you tutor (a professional pet groomer for over 29 years) for more help and advice.
  • Academic title Level 3 Award in Dog Grooming plus a UK Open Learning Diploma.

    At the end of this course successful learners will receive a Level 3 NCFE Award certificate of achievement. That means that it is independently accredited at a level of learning equivalent to level 3 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) for England, Wales and Northern Ireland"
  • Course description


    Is this course suitable for me?

    This course is suitable both for beginners and those with an established background with dogs. You don’t need any previous experience - the course is aimed at students who wish to provide quality grooming for their own dogs, as well as those who are thinking of setting up their own grooming business.

    All you need is a love of dogs, patience and a mature outlook! However, as the course requires a great deal of time, effort and attention to detail, it is not suitable for anyone with back problems or repetitive motion injuries.

    What will I learn on the course?

    Our Dog Grooming Diploma course gives you the opportunity to learn in detail about all aspects of grooming dogs. The course includes the history of humankind’s relationship with dogs, in-depth details of the grooming process, as well as helpful advice on how to set up and run your own dog grooming business. Even vets and dog breeders have studied this discipline successfully!

    What skills will I gain?

    By completing our distance learning Diploma in Dog Grooming, you can expect to develop a range of valuable skills. These include:

    ·   A detailed understanding of the relationship between humans and dogs and a working knowledge of the long history of this relationship


    ·   An in-depth knowledge of a wide range of different breeds of dog and the ability to adapt grooming techniques to suit each breed


    -        The ability to understand that each dog has a unique personality and how to adapt accordingly, so grooming is efficient and hassle-free


    -        The ability to groom dogs as quickly as possible whilst showing maximum attention to detail


    -        The business skills necessary to help in the setting up of a dog grooming service

    Course Content

    Lesson 1

    Covers: - Man’s History with Dogs - The History of Dog Grooming - The Dog Grooming Profession

    Plus: - Test - Practical Task - Further Reading & Research

    Lesson 2

    Covers: - Dog Breeds - Breed Recognition - Dog Anatomy and Physiology - Dog Diseases - First Aid

    Plus: - Test -  Further Reading & Research

    Lesson 3

    Covers: - Types of Coat - Smooth Coat Breeds - Short Coat Breeds - Double Coat Breeds - Long and Silky Coat Breeds - Harsh  and Wiry Coat Breeds - Curly and Woolly Breeds - Corded Coated Breeds

    Plus: - Test -  Further Reading & Research

    Lesson 4

    Covers: - Types of Coat - Short Coat Breeds - Long Coat Breeds - Designer Breeds

    Plus: - Test -  Further Reading & Research

    Lesson 5

    Covers: - Equipment Required - Grooming Tools – Clippers – Blades - Shears – Scissors – Equipment –Maintenance - Uniforms and Protective Clothing - Protective Equipment - Products Required - Price Lists - Suppliers Information and Contact Details

    Plus: - Test - - Further Reading & Research

    Lesson 6

    Covers: - Safety Measures - Dog Psychology - Dog Control - Pre-Bath Bath - Post Bath

    Plus: -Test Further Reading & Research

    Lesson 7

    Covers: - Grooming - Dealing with Double Coats - Professional Grooming Shortcuts - Working with Puppies - Working with the Senior Dog

    Plus: -Test -  Further Reading & Research

    Lesson 8

    Covers: - Terriers - Terrier Trims - Head Details - Body Details - Hand Stripping - Terrier Breeds - Airedale Terrier - Australian Terrier - Bedlington Terrier - Cairn Terrier - Dandie Dinmont Terrier - Irish Terrier - Kerry Blue Terrier - Lakeland Terrier - Norfolk Terrier - Norwich Terrier – Schnauzer - Scottish Terrier - Sealyham Terrier - Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier - Welsh Terrier - West Highland White Terrier - Wire Fox Terrier - Yorkshire Terrier - Breed Grooming Comparisons

    Plus: - Test -  Further Reading & Research

    Lesson 9

    Covers: - Spaniel Breeds - Spaniel Breed Trims - American Cocker Spaniel - American Water Spaniel - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - English Cocker Spaniel - English Springer Spaniel - English Toy Spaniel - Irish Water Spaniel - Welsh Springer Spaniel - Poodle Types - Poodle Breed Trims - Minature Poodle - Standard Poodle - Toy Poodle

    Plus: - Test -  Further Reading & Research

    Lesson 10

    Covers: - Setter Breeds - Setter Trims - English Setter - Gordon Setter - Irish Red Setter - Irish Red Setter - Other Breeds - Bichon Frise - Old English Sheepdog - Portuguese Water Dog - Mixed Breeds and Designer Dogs

    Plus: - Test - Further Reading & Research

    Lesson 11


    - Drop Coat Breeds - Drop Coat Trims - Coton de Tulear – Havanese - Lhasa Apso – Pomeranian - Shih Tzu - Troubleshooting

    Plus: - Test - Further Reading & Research

    Lesson 12

    Covers: - The Law and You - Health and Safety - First Aid - Setting Up in Business – Accessories – Finances - Choosing Premises - Salon Design – Insurance - Business Plan - Business Profile - Business Portfolio - Conclusion

    Plus: - Test -  Further Reading & Research.

    How do I study for the course?

    Your Diploma in Dog Grooming is a distance learning course that allows you to study in your own time and at your own pace. You will receive a course manual, assignments and a study guide, as well as full tutor support from your own professional personal tutor.

    Also FREE with the course…

    FREE DVD: ‘Dog Grooming - the Basics’, plus a copy of the ‘Dog Grooming for the Beginner’ text book featuring all 87 breeds.

    But I work during the day

    Not a problem, you don’t have to give up your job. You can study in your spare time at home.

    How long do I have to complete the course?

    This is a home study course so all lessons are undertaken in your own time over a period of roughly 6-12 months. What’s more, if we update the course, we will either post details on our website or send them to you free of charge.

    Is there a final exam at the end of the course?

    No. However, there are a series of tasks and assignments throughout the course that must be completed.

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