Current and Recurrent Issues in Human Resource Management Postgraduate Course
Course descriptionBy the conclusion of the specified learning and development activities, delegates will be able to: Demonstrate understanding of distinction between personnel management and human resource management; Indicate the significant aspects in development of human resource management and personnel management; Demonstrate an appreciation of important of welfare in the development of personnel management and human resource management; Relate the part played by Cadburys Rowntree in the development of personnel management and human resource management; Manage the strategic role; Illustrate the difference between the Hard approach to HRM and Soft approach to HRM; Suggest the importance of human resource planning in organisation management; Illustrate the significance of effective human resource; Determine the links between corporate planning and human resource planning; Indicate how human resource planning can support business systems; Determine when there is a need to review an organization human resource plan; Determine the factors influencing human resource planning; Demonstrate their understanding of the importance of employee Resourcing in an organisational context; Demonstrate their understanding of the different employee resourcing strategy; Demonstrate their understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of individual employee Resourcing strategy; Draw a parallel between material and facilities Resourcing and people Resourcing, from the standpoint of organisational effectiveness; Defend the strategic importance of employee Resourcing;