Crime, Governance and Social Justice (Postgraduate Certificate-Diploma-MA)

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Crime, Governance and Social Justice (Postgraduate Certificate-Diploma-MA)

  • Entry requirements Standard Entry A second-class honours degree in a social science related subject area, an equivalent professional qualification and / or relevant experience will be considered as entry requirements. Degree and non-degree applicants will be asked to complete a written application and may be invited for interview before admission. All international students must have an English language capability of IELTS level 7.
  • Academic title Crime, Governance and Social Justice (Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma/MA)
  • Course description COURSE INFORMATION

    From being a relatively marginal political issue, crime and its control has risen rapidly up the global, social and political agenda. As inequalities have increased, so the actual and perceived risks of crime and other social ills have grown rapidly for all sections of society and the management of crime has become a central concern.

    This postgraduate programme provides the opportunity to critically examine and study historical, comparative and contemporary theory, research and practice developments in crime, governance and social justice. It will develop your critical understanding, analysis and interpretation of the key themes, theories, issues and political debates concerning crime, crime control and social justice in the UK and beyond.

    What you will study

    Throughout the programme you will be encouraged to relate and apply knowledge and experiences to specific instances of legislation, policy and practice in relation to criminal justice, crime reduction, restorative justice, youth justice, community safety and control and punishment. The programme also incorporates comparative analysis which reflect the importance of European culture and policy; the policy influence of the USA, and the contributions of European and American criminologists to the understanding of crime, crime control and social justice.

    The programme is orientated strongly towards the implications that contemporary theory, legislation, policy and practice have for positive interventions and it is committed to the sort of education and research that makes relevant contributions to the development of social policy and social justice.

    The programme aims to equip you with the knowledge and understanding required to critically reflect upon the study of criminology, criminal and social justice. You must successfully complete three core modules, one option module and an independent piece of research for the award of MA.

    The structure of the programme is as follows:

    Researching Society is concerned with the variety of methods of research used in criminology which are appropriate at postgraduate level. It describes and evaluates these methods but more importantly, it places emphasis on the application of such methods to research problems. Specialist research sessions are run for students doing different postgraduate programmes.

    Perspectives on Crime and Social Control will help you to develop a broad understanding of the ways in which illicit activities, the criminalising authority of law and the methods and purposes of punishment have changed over time and of the explanations that have been put forward to understand and account for crime and criminal activity.

    Issues in Crime and Social Control will develop your critical understanding of current and emerging debates and issues in crime, criminology and aocial control, with specific reference to the intersections between theory, research, policy and practice. Due to the up-to-date nature of the module content, the particular issues explored will vary from year to year, in accordance with staff research interests and developments and contemporary political and social policy.

    Options will be offered in light of staff research interests and may include: Crime, Social Justice and Law and Order Politics, Modern Policing and the Delivery of Justice, Youth and Community Safety, Victims, Crime and Restorative Justice, Crime, Media, Culture and Crime and Social Change, as well as options from the social science postgraduate programmes. Students also have the opportunity to undertake workbased learning as an option module that allows them to apply theory to practice in their place of work.

    Year 1 Modules

    SO0514 Youth and Community Safety (OPTION, 30 Credits)

    SO0543 Dissertation (CORE, 60 Credits)

    SO0550 Equal Opportunities: Laws, Politics and Issues (OPTION, 30 Credits)

    SO0551 Perspectives on Crime and Social Control (CORE, 30 Credits)

    SO0552 Researching Society (CORE, 30 Credits)

    SO0556 Issues in Crime and Social Control (CORE, 30 Credits)

    SO0903 International Policing: theory and context (OPTION, 30 Credits)

    Assessment is specific to each of the modules but a student studying the programme will be appropriately assessed through different methods that support intellectual rigour and encourage the application of skills. The emphasis is to make the assessment processes as relevant as possible to both the process of learning and to the workplace (where appropriate).

    The modules are assessed in a variety of ways. A full range of assessment methods is used including assignments, reflective journal, portfolio of evidence, and for the Masters degree, a dissertation.

    Students will be supported in their learning and teaching through the active use of the elearning portal to encourage peer group interaction and support. They will be allocated to guidance tutors who will support them in their choice of modules and options that encourage their intellectual development and their employability.

    The programme will appeal to those already employed in the criminal justice or community justice sector, as well as those interested in entering into a career in or related to these areas, such as in youth justice, drug action and voluntary and charitable activities. It enables students to be critical practitioners who reflect and learn from research and literature and contribute to practice and policy development. Students do so in a multiand inter-disciplinary context, enabling them to acquire subject specific alongside generic critical and reflexive skills. The development of intellectual skills is integral to the teaching and learning strategy across the programme.
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