Corporate Governance: Principles and Practice, Incorporating Financial Risk Management
Course descriptionBy the conclusion of the specified learning and development activities, delegates will be able to:Ø Define corporate governance in relation to the processes, customs, policies, laws and institutions affecting the way a corporation is directed, administered or controlled;Ø Relate corporate governance to the relationships that persists between internal and external stakeholders, particularly in relation to the establishment of organisational goals and objectives;Ø Demonstrate a heightened understanding of the organisation’s responsibility and accountability to its shareholders as primary stakeholders;Ø Exhibit a heightened awareness of the organisation’s accountability to its Board of Directors;Ø Accurately locate an organisation’s management and workers within the ‘internal-external-stakeholder-spectrum;’Ø Distinguish between winding up or insolvency, Bankruptcy, Receivership, and Administration;Ø Demonstrate an understanding of the difference that exists between ordinary and preference shares;Ø Assess the implications of the ‘Receivership’ of a company for its statutory, primary and secondary creditors;Ø Explain the order in which the proceeds of a company’s assets will be distributed among its creditors, in the event of it falling into ‘Receivership;’Ø Exhibit an understanding of what constitutes the rights and equitable treatment of shareholders;Ø Explain how the interests of secondary stakeholders can be preserved;Ø Outline the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors;Ø Outline salient steps that can be taken to preserve an organisation’s integrity;Ø Establish the array of issues that are enshrined in a company’s ethical behaviour; andØ Determine the importance of operational ‘transparency’ in the face of the regulatory authorities’ demand and in the enhancement of shareholder and client confidence.