Course - Translators: SDL Trados Studio 2011 - Advanced

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Course - Translators: SDL Trados Studio 2011 - Advanced

  • Objectives This course will run at various dates throughout the year:

    18th June 2013

    05th July 2013

    15th August 2013

    17th September 2013

    29th October 2013

    14th November 2013

    11th December 2013
  • Academic title SDL Trados Certification
  • Course description This course is designed for users who are already familiar with SDL TradosStudio, and want to leverage the advanced product features to work even more efficiently and streamline their processes further.

    - Translation memory maintenance – keeping your TM resources lean and efficient

    - Localization of XML content

    - Customized automatic quality assurance rules

    - Enhanced workflows for different file types: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, InDesign

    - Identifying common localization problems with automated pseudo-translation

    Target Audience:

    - translators who have already attended either the SDL Trados Studio 2011 Part I (Getting Started) or Part II (Intermediate) course

    - project managers who have already attended the SDL Trados Studio 2011 for Project Managers course

    Prerequisites: An understanding of the following functionality which may have been gained through training or by experience working with SDL Trados Studio 2011

    - views and user profiles

    - how to create a new translation memory

    - how to increase translation speeds when translating MS Word documents using the extensive range of new features

    - translating multiple files (MS Word and MS PowerPoint)

    - quality assurance (QA checker)

    - AutoSuggest™

    Course Delivery Mode:

    - hands-on and classroom based, delivered over 1 day

    SDL Trados Certification: This course provides all of the knowledge attendees need to pass their SDL Trados Studio 2011 exam

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