Course - Sculpture: Professional Development Diploma

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Course - Sculpture: Professional Development Diploma

  • Entry requirements What background and qualifications do you need to join? No formal qualifications are needed but you will need a visual arts portfolio to be able to show the tutors at interview.
  • Academic title Sculpture: Professional Development Diploma
  • Course description Course Description

    This sculpture course has proven record of exceptional results and is highly regarded by students and the examining body.  Tuition is by a team of experienced working artists, located in our spacious studios off the Kings Road in Chelsea.  The course provides an opportunity for artists to fully develop their specialist area of work, to have their own exhibitions, working in a contemporary context within a highly motivated group.

    Who is the course suitable for?

    Emerging artists who need studio space, technical help, tutorial advice and critiques, access to learning resources and exhibition facilities.  This course is suitable for fine art graduates, experienced artists and students with a developed portfolio of work, who wish to become familiar with all aspects of professional practice.  Applications are welcome from artists working in both traditional and non traditional methods.  We actively encourage experimentation and the development of student's personal portolios.

    What does the course lead to?

    Students have progressed to HNC, Degree and postgraduate level.  Some students establish their own studios and show their work both here and abroad. Others have gained residencies and awards.

    What does the course involve?

    You will complete a series of sculpture units over the year and will have two group exhibitions, mid year and end of year.  You will be allocated a studio space within the studio complex.  There will be continual tutorial support throughout the year.

    Where will I study?

    Our dedicated scultpure studios at Park Walk are well equipped for most processes involved in the production of scupture.  We also have computer, digital film and video equipment.

    What are the facilities and equipment like?

    Studio space, communal and dedicated.  Workshop facilities include large kiln, casting facilities, band saw, and power tools.

    How much should I study outside class?

    You will be expected to keep an ongoing sketchbook and an exhibition folder that will be assessed at the end of each term.

    How is the course assessed?

    You will obtain a NOCN level 3 Diploma on sucessful completion of course.  There will be continual assessment throughout the year by the course team.

    What books and equipment do I need?

    A basic toolkit to include pliers, craft knife, scissors, drawing materials and money for drawing paper.  Many basic sculpture materials are available to buy onsite including safety equipment.

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