Course - Religious Studies AS/A2-Level

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Course - Religious Studies AS/A2-Level

  • Entry requirements Who is this course for? Young people aged 16-18. What do I need to get on the course? You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A-level courses which are based on your GCSE results general entry requirements for AS-levels In addition, to do this course you must achieve at least a grade C in both GCSE English Language and at least one other relevant written subject (eg humanities, business studies, history, geography, religious education full course, English literature). Your grade in either English or the other written subject should preferably be a B.
  • Academic title AS-Level Religious Studies after the first year of study, A2-level after the second year.
  • Course description What is this course about?
    Religious Studies has become a popular subject to study in recent years. People have said that the world is getting smaller - we can now easily travel and communicate with people across the globe and so it is essential that we understand the cultural and religious similarities and differences between nations and people.

    What will I study?
    You will study two main units: Ethics (Moral Philosophy) and Buddhism.

    AS Course

    The Ethics unit involves an exploration of what it means to say that an action is right or wrong. You will ask who has the authority to make moral judgments? Is it God, the government or customs? Your study of Ethics will involve examining ethical dilemmas such as "can killing someone ever be regarded as the most loving thing to do?"

    Buddhism is unusual for being the only religion that does not revolve around a belief in God. You will study the main principles of Buddhism and Eastern thinking and ask questions like "Is there such a thing as personal identity?" For the last two years, Religious Studies students have attended a residential trip in a Tibetan Buddhist Education Centre in Scotland to help with their studies.

    A2 Course

    In the A2 course you will study further ethical issues (for example sexual ethics) and you will study the role and nature of our consciences. You will look more at Eastern Religions, such as Zen Buddhists who ask mysterious riddles like "What is the sound of one hand clapping"?

    All students at the college have the chance to take part in inter-faith discussions and events as part of the Talking Religion enrichment group, Religious Studies students are especially encouraged to attend.

    What can I do after the course?
    Religious Studies A-level is an analytical training which prepares you well for a wide variety of subjects at degree level.
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