What does it include?
The course focuses on students carrying out practical maintenance tasks in our fully equipped Motor Vehicle workshop, including:
-Identifying Faulty Components
-Removing and Replacing Components
-Portfolio Building (practical tasks)
-Health & Safety
-Good Workshop Housekeeping
Students will also be provided support, in the following subjects:
How will I be assessed?
Students will be required to carry out practical tasks. These tasks are then continually assessed by the tutor throughout the course.
What do I need to get on it?
No formal qualifications are required to get onto this course. All applicants will be interviewed and given a Maths & English assessment, to determine if the course is appropriate for them.
Where does it lead?
This is a stand-alone qualification, but also acts as a progression route to the C&G 4101 in Automotive Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Level 1 (Course Code TVF1)