Course - A1 & V1 Awards - Administration, Team Leaders, Customer Services, I.T and Team Leaders (Work Based Accreditation)

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Course - A1 & V1 Awards - Administration, Team Leaders, Customer Services, I.T and Team Leaders (Work Based Accreditation)

  • Entry requirements You as an individual or members of your staff may be suitable to take this route to a national qualification if you: - Are or have been in a job related to one of the areas listed below - Do not have many/any qualifications for that specific job but do have experience - Have the potential to collect evidence of your experience You will be interviewed by an APL Advisor who will help you at all stages of your decision making. For organisations beginning an NVQ programme there is the possibility of LSC funding.
  • Course description Duration: Various

    What is WBA?
    Work Based Accreditation - means you can attain the NVQ accreditation qualification by showing evidence of your experience at work through a portfolio and assessment procedure.
    NVQs in the workplace

    National Vocational Qualifications are job-based qualifications, specifically designed to improve the workskills of employees in all industries in the UK. We provide a wide and comprehensive range of qualifications within this scheme, both for individuals and for groups of individuals.

    Faculty of Business & Community Studies

    What does it include?
    Possible NVQ qualification routes:
    There are a wide range of qualifications and listed below are some business-related NVQs. Please contact us for further discussion on new areas of qualifications that are currently being compiled.

    The qualification is based on producing a portfolio of work-related evidence which is then assessed by our Colleges verification process. We are a Centre of Excellence with a team of highly experienced and qualified assessors.

        - Administration
        - Customer Service
        - Information Technology (a wide variety include Using IT, Support Users, Operating IT.)
        - Team Leaders
        - A1 and V1 Assessor and Verifier Awards

    What is the benefit of the WBA approach?

        - It is a flexible service
        - It can be tailored and customised to the individuals needs
        - It can be a fast way of gaining a recognised qualification without attending a lengthy training
            programme leading to an examination.

    Where is it based?
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