Climate Change: Impacts And Mitigation MSc-Diploma-Certificate

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Climate Change: Impacts And Mitigation MSc-Diploma-Certificate

  • Entry requirements Entry Requirements As for all our taught postgraduate courses
  • Academic title Climate Change: Impacts And Mitigation MSc/Diploma/Certificate
  • Course description Duration

    MSc courses last for one year (September to August inclusive) and include a substantial research project. The Diploma covers the same classes as the MSc but lasts for just 9 months (September to May inclusive). Students admitted to the Diploma course and who perform well in the taught modules may be invited to transfer to the MSc course.


    Climate change is recognised as having potentially huge impacts on the environment and on society.   The study of the causes and impacts of climate change and the measures required to mitigate the impacts and adapt is complex.   It is essential that scientists, engineers and environmental decision-makers understand the fundamentals of the causes, impacts and management measures involved in dealing with such important issues.

    The MSc course offers one core module to introduce climate change causes and impacts (Semester 1) and reviews the possible mitigation and adaptation measures in a second (Semester 2).   The course structure allows for three optional and relevant modules each semester from amongst the University's postgraduate syllabus so that a 'tailored' course can be constructed.

    For potential optional modules please refer to the module/subject areas available and listed in other School MSc courses, specifically those of the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, and School of the Built Environment.   Advice will be given on the most appropriate modules available from the different Schools of the University in topics ranging across scientific, engineering, economics and management modules.   The core subject areas are listed below.


        * Climate Change:  Causes and Impacts
        * Climate Change:  Mitigation and Adaptation Measures
        * Research Project (MSc only)
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