Chinese and Global Communication BA Honours

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Chinese and Global Communication BA Honours

  • Course description Chinese and Global Communication BA Honours:

    Course overview:

    This Modern Languages degree is designed to develop your knowledge, use and understanding of the Chinese language and culture, along with the skills needed for effective communication in the professional global environment.

    The course enables you to achieve a good or high level of linguistic competence in Chinese in all four skill areas (reading, writing, listening and speaking), and demonstrate a good or high degree of pro?ciency in mediating between Chinese and English.

    You will be able to function linguistically in diverse cultural situations, and acquire qualities and skills in areas such as interpersonal communication and organisational skills, ?exibility and tolerance, analysis and argument, autonomy and team working, and team management. You will also gain the transferable and cognitive skills necessary for lifelong personal and professional development.

    Our Chinese courses are only available to beginner or 'false beginner' entrants – false beginners are students who may be able to read and write a limited number of Chinese characters, and/or have the equivalent to one or two years' part-time study. Please note that we may need to test you to determine your entry point.

    Course content:

    You will study an integrated curriculum with a focus on applied language skills and cultural studies, supported by a rigorous development of your foreign language skills in all areas. You can also study an elective module from across the University in each year.

    Teaching and learning takes place through a combination of formal lectures, seminars and practical workshops; guided self-study and preparation; and exposure to professionally relevant simulations and real-work environments. Much of your learning will take place during independent study, individually and in groups, in the well-resourced and recently refurbished library, at home and via the online learning provision.

    Assessment methods include in-class coursework, essays and projects, presentations, and oral and unseen written exams.

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