Change Management and Consultancy (MSc - Postgraduate Diploma)

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Change Management and Consultancy (MSc - Postgraduate Diploma)

  • Objectives This programme aims to enable change and transformation in organisations through developing participants' understanding of a wide range of different ideas, concepts and ways of thinking about change management, and processes of individual and organisational learning. It provides an opportunity for graduates and experienced organisational development and HR practitioners to return to academic study in the form of a flexible and intensive course that can be tailored to their particular needs and interests. The programme is based on a belief in the central importance of self-directed learning, openess to change and collaborative working. Specifically, the programme will suit those: -already in a consulting role who want a postgraduate programme that combines personal learning, theoretical challenge and practical knowledge. -seeking more flexible forms of course delivery than currently offered by other institutions. -seeking an organisation consulting qualification as preparation for a career in change management or human resource development (HRD). -wishing to enhance their professional knowledge and consultancy practice across a range of organisational settings. The programme is intellectually challenging. It integrates training, organisational development, lifelong learning principles and consultancy practice, as well as offering a systematic approach to the design, management and evaluation of programmes to improve personal effectiveness and organisational performance.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirements A good honours degree, or equivalent, from a recognised university. A good command of the English language, both written and oral (IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent for applicantsa whose first language is not English). Students without a first degree, who have successfully completed the Birkbeck Diploma in Management with at least four modules at Merit (60–69 per cent), may also be considered for entry and granted exemptions for a maximum of 60 credits. Management development professionals and consultants with at least five or more years' significant experience in a range of organisations may be considered.
  • Academic title Change Management and Consultancy (MSc / Postgraduate Diploma)
  • Course description There are seven compulsory modules:

    -Module 1: Personal Development and Learning
    -Module 2: Organisational Development and Learning
    -Module 3: Managing Organisational Change
    -Module 4: Human Resource Development – Current Issues and Trends
    -Module 5: Consultancy and Professional Practice
    -Module 6: Research Methods
    -Module 7: Dissertation.
    -PgDip: you must complete modules 1–5

    MSc: you must complete all seven modules, including a specialist option and a 10,000-12,000-word dissertation.

    The programme combines research-led teaching, experiential forms of work-based learning, and critical self-awareness of the scope and limits of change management practices. Throughout the programme, the emphasis will be on identifying core principles from relevant research, theories and practices and applying these to cases drawn from participants’ personal experience in the workplace. To this end, many classes will take the form of experiential workshops which acknowledge participants' current knowledge and past experience, and actively engage them in the process of learning, applying core change management development principles, while also understanding their limitations.

    In addition, students will be expected to set up and take part in a number of learning forums outside the classroom, such as peer review groups and learning sets, and to undertake personal study to develop a critical awareness of a range of core change management concepts and principles.

    Assessment varies for each module, but includes a personal development plan, essay assignments, an examination, work-based projects, and a research proposal and dissertation.
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