Certificate in Finance ABC Award Course

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Certificate in Finance ABC Award Course

  • Academic title Business Practices is a suite of qualifications designed to enable students to develop practical business skills selected from a range of units according to their learning needs. The qualifications are offered through ABC Awards and are approved by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority for inclusion on the National Qualifications Framework.
  • Course description The Awarding Body

    The qualifications are offered through ABC Awards, which is a leading UK awarding body with a national network of approved centres.

    Student Profile

    The qualifications are accredited at level 2 and provide learning opportunities for a wide range of students seeking to study business subjects. Students should be 16 years old and the delivery and assessment methods make them suitable for learners in education, in employment or seeking employment skills.

    Course Materials

    Each module is supported by comprehensive study materials designed to provide students and tutors with everything required to complete their course of study. Study folders are presented in A4 ring-binder format and include study guide, core unit, elected unit(s) and student assignments. Materials are produced by Study House Limited; an established publisher of learning materials.

    Students using Study House materials are provided with a series of tutor marked assignments which are designed to ensure that learning outcomes are met.

    Course Delivery

    Completion of the qualifications is based upon achievement of specified learning outcomes.  Consequently students may study by home or work based learning and start their studies at any time.  Once registered, students receive tutor support for a full one year if required.


    Assessment for each unit and qualification requires the production of a portfolio of work which demonstrates achievement of the learning outcomes.  Tutors mark student work against specified learning outcomes. Students are presented with comprehensive case study details which can be used to demonstrate their learning if not currently in employment.

    Core Unit

    Reviewing and Improving Business Practices

    Unit Content

    ·                The importance of active, rather than passive learning

    ·                Prioritising actions through impact assessment techniques

    ·                Planning change and the importance of consultation, gaining commitment, pilot implementation, resource planning, setting timescales and milestones

    ·                Monitoring change including obtaining feedback, measuring impact, quality assurance

    Planning future learning and development including sources of information and advice

    Unit Summary

    The aims of this book are to explain why book-keeping is important.  You will examine a wide variety of book-keeping options and select the one most appropriate for your business.  We shall introduce you to the principles of Value Added Tax and you will be able to practice recording financial transactions

    Unit 1

    Recording Financial transactions

    Unit Content

    ·        Why it is important to keep books?       

    ·        What different Book-keeping  methods  are available and which is suitable for your business

    ·        An Introduction to VAT      

    ·        What is an Analysed  Cash  Book and how to maintain one

    ·        What are Sales and  Purchase Day Books and how to maintain them     

    ·        Why it is important to file your records

    ·        How to reconcile the Bank Account       

    ·        What is Double Entry Book-keeping

    ·        What is a Single Entry System

    Unit Summary

    This unit will show you how to get hold of up-to-date management information.  We explain how this information can help you to run your business successfully.  Only by budgeting will you be able to plan what you would like to happen to the business in the coming year and keep an eye on progress, usually on a monthly basis.  The two main controlling documents, the cash flow forecast and the profit plan, are explored in detail.  Other reports that help keep track of key areas like debtors, creditors, stock, wages etc are also explained.  In short this unit will equip you with the knowledge to help you keep your business on track

    Unit 2

    Measuring and Reporting Financial Performance

    Unit Content

    ·        Why budgets are important and what they can tell you about your business

    ·        What are cash flow forecasts - the cash budget

    ·        How to best managing your cash

    ·        How to plan for profit - the trading budget

    ·        How to plan for profit - the profit and loss budget     

    ·        What are the key management reports?

    ·        How to produce manual accounting records  and computerised accounting records   

    ·        What is breakeven analysis?

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