Cert Ed-PGCE Lifelong learning sector (In Service)

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Cert Ed-PGCE Lifelong learning sector (In Service)

  • Objectives This course meets the national occupational standards for teaching and learning in the post-compulsory sector set by Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK), and address the minimum core of language, literacy and numeracy.

    The course is designed to meet the needs of all who wish to become qualified professionals in the post-compulsory sector.

    Those holding a degree in the subject they wish to teach (or are already teaching) will take the PGCE, and those with vocational qualifications and/or experience will take the Cert Ed.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirements

    * Applicants should have a minimum of 100 hours per year in full-time or part-time teaching or training and have appropriate qualifications and/or experience in their teaching field.
    * Students must hold a Level 3 credential (e.g A level) in the subject they wish to teach as a minimum entry requirement.
    * Applicants must also hold minimum Level 2 credentials in literacy and numeracy (e.g Maths and English at GCSE grade C or above) on entry to the programme.
    * You will also need to undergo a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check.
  • Academic title Cert Ed/PGCE Lifelong learning sector (In Service)
  • Course description Course content
    This is a two year, in-service programme for teachers, lecturers and trainers working in the Skills for Life arena. For example: further education (FE) colleges, the health service, training agencies and companies, adult education and prison education.

    Assessment is through assignments which are completed at specific points during the course. The focus of assignments is determined by the course member\'s own practice and subject specialism.

    Resources and facilities
    Students have access to all the facilities at NTU as well as those of the partner college at which they choose to study.

    Facilities at NTU include a range of well-equipped learning environments on the Clifton campus. The newly built Ada Byron King building has state-of-the-art teaching rooms and ample work stations. The refurbished Lionel Robbins building has several teaching and seminar rooms.

    Place of study
    The programme is offered at our partner colleges, which are: New College Nottingham; Derby College; Burton College; Lincoln College and West Nottinghamshire College.

    Different combinations of programmes may be available at different centres. Please use the contact details above for further information.

    The course in endorsed by Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK).

    Professional development
    The course offers further professional development into the pathways leading to either BA (Hons) Education or to MA. It is possible to pursue MA studies in a variety of education specific areas.

    Qualifications achievable
    From September 2007 the award of PGCE is being redefined nationally and will be re-titled the Professional Graduate (rather than Postgraduate) Certificate in Education.

    Students will have the opportunity to take some modules at Masters level, successful completion of which entitles them to an alternative award of Postgraduate Certificate in Education, along with fast-track entry onto Masters courses offered by NTU and other universities.

    The Certificate of Education retains its title.

    The qualifications meet the requirements for the LLUK Diploma in Teaching.

    Course cost
    Fees will be charged at current levels. Funding has changed and applicants should check with their Local Authority (LA) what funds are available to them.
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