Business Systems Analysis and Design MSc

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Business Systems Analysis and Design MSc

  • Objectives The course aims to develop: * skills in business awareness, design and consultancy to facilitate the alignment of IT systems and services to business objectives; * the specialist understanding of theoretical principles in business systems analysis and design; * technical skills, through practical laboratory work, to enable you to apply your knowledge of IT and how it affects business competitiveness.
  • Academic title Business Systems Analysis and Design MSc
  • Course description This course is designed to produce hybrid IT/business professionals who understand the role IT systems play in supporting organisations and management and can ensure that IT systems can fulfil their intended role.

    On graduation, you will have specialist knowledge ranging from business systems requirements analysis and design, software systems engineering, and data modelling, to IT strategy, project management and business engineering with ERP solutions.

    Practical work is emphasised throughout, to develop understanding and skills, which are strengthened by the interactive teamwork approach.

    The course has an excellent track record in producing highly employable graduates in roles such as systems analysis and IT consultancy. The course is also excellent preparation for doctoral (PhD) study.

    You will gain:

        * skills in business awareness, design and consultancy to facilitate the alignment of IT systems and services to business objectives;
        * the specialist understanding of theoretical principles in business systems analysis and design;
        * technical skills, through practical laboratory work, to enable you to apply your knowledge of IT and how it affects business competitiveness.


    This course is designed to produce hybrid IT/business professionals who understand the role IT systems play in supporting organisations and management and can ensure that IT systems can fulfil their intended role.

    On graduation, you will have specialist knowledge ranging from business systems requirements analysis and design, software systems engineering, and data modelling, to IT strategy, project management and business engineering with ERP solutions.

    Practical work is emphasised throughout, to develop understanding and skills, which are strengthened by the interactive teamwork approach.

    The course has an excellent track record in producing highly employable graduates in roles such as systems analysis and IT consultancy. The course is also excellent preparation for doctoral (PhD) study.

    Why study this course at City University London?

        * The MSc in Business Systems Analysis and Design has an excellent pedigree. From its inception over 25 years ago, it has evolved as the field has matured, benefiting from City's leading position as the university for business and the professions.
        * A major strength lies in the hybrid nature of the course which reflects the requirements of the IT industry, together with the teamwork approach which reflects the work environment and facilitates learning.
        * Our staff are recognised experts in their fields, undertake consultancy, write patents and publish regularly in leading international journals. This ensures our teaching is leading-edge. Major areas of research include software engineering, human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence. The UK's national 2001 Research Assessment Exercise found that 85 per cent of our academic staff were undertaking research of national or international excellence (rating 4). In the past five years, we have received more than £3.5 million of external research income and won £5.5 million of new research income from industry, research councils and the European Union.
        * Our location helps foster strong links with major players in a fast-changing industry. The course reflects this, covering what is happening now and moving to what future trends are likely to be.
        * One example of such collaboration is our SAP R/3 teaching and research laboratory which runs SAP's market-leading R/3 software package to support the teaching of software systems engineering. The laboratory is the first in a UK university dedicated to teaching software engineering with enterprise resource planning (ERP) packages.
        * All modules in this course are supported by the University's online learning environment (CitySpace). You will be able to access lecture materials and engage in discussions with student colleagues, teaching staff and the course team.
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