Business Administration for Engineering Business Management MBA

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Business Administration for Engineering Business Management MBA

  • Entry requirements Entry requirements: Applications for the Manchester Business School Worldwide MBA programme are normally considered on the basis of at least three years business experience, involving decision making responsibility and the exercise of initiative. Applicants will normally, therefore, be at least 27 years of age and have a good first degree. However, it may be possible to gain a place on the mature entry scheme without formal academic qualifications in the light of recognised management experience and professional qualifications. Selection criteria will normally focus on work experience and academic and/or professional qualifications. Candidates may in some circumstances be required to take GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test).
  • Academic title Business Administration for Engineering Business Management MBA
  • Course description Course description

    This programme has been designed in consultation with the professional engineering bodies and institutes, and is aimed at engineers who are already in a management position, or those who would like to move their career towards general management. It attracts students from various backgrounds, from civil engineering to manufacturing and IT. The programme provides a sound understanding of the functional aspects of business, while helping to develop soft skills from theoretical and applied perspectives in the context of a management approach. It is accredited by AACSB (International), AMBA (The Association of MBAs), and EQUIS.

    Module details

    The structure of the MBA for Engineering Business Managers allows students to accommodate the demands of career, study and family. Its flexible format comprises eight compulsory core subjects, four special options, and a project section. The course work is normally completed in five semesters over a period of 30 months, while the project stage take about 6 to 12 months. 

    Each course module is anchored in practical applications and problem solving bringing real benefits to you and your organisation, during and after the period of study.  Modules are complemented through face to face residential workshops that are delivered by UK faculty and are held in the UK and at MBS Worldwide's overseas centres.

    Progression and assessment

    Semesters run from January to June and July to December with examinations usually held in the students' country of residence in late November and early June. The Project Stage normally takes six to twelve months to complete and provides an opportunity for you to focus on any management issue of particular interest and relevance both personally and to your organisation.

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